Madeleine Quinn's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by Madeleine Quinn  —  There are currently 336 poems total — keep up the great work!

Second Sight

A Dramatic Scene.


  Ellen.—Oh! I will chide thee, truant! Look how fair,
Like to love’s promises, the heavens appear!
The blue Night has put on her wreath of stars—
A bright queen in her proud regality!
The young Moon is...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 2 months ago
A History of the Lyre

Sketches indeed, from that most passionate page,
A woman's heart, of feelings, thoughts, that make
The atmosphere in which her spirit moves;
But, like all other earthly elements,
O'ercast with clouds, now dark, now touch'd with light,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 2 months ago
A Long While Ago

Still hangeth down the old accustom'd willow,

  Hiding the silver underneath each leaf,
So droops the long hair from some maiden pillow,

  When midnight heareth her else silent grief;
There floats the water-lily, like a sovereign


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 2 months ago
A Lady's Beauty

Ladye, thy white brow is fair,
Beauty's morning light is there;
And thine eye is like a star,
Dark as those of midnight are:
Round thee satin robe is flung;
Pearls upon thy neck are hung:
Yet thou wearest silk and gem,
As thou hadst...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 2 months ago
A Girl at her Devotions. By Newton

SHE was just risen from her bended knee,
But yet peace seem'd not with her piety;
For there was paleness upon her young cheek,
And thoughts upon the lips which never speak,
But wring the heart that at the last they break.
Alas! how much of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 2 months ago
"Kate is Craz'd"


"There often wanders one, whom better days
Saw better clad, in cloak of satin trimmed
With lace, and hat with splendid riband bound.
A serving-maid was she, and fell in love
With one who left her, went to sea, and died.

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 2 months ago
The Fête

⁠There was a feast that night,
And coloured lamps sent forth their odorous light
Over gold carvings, and the purple fall
Of tapestry; and around each stately hall
Were statues pale, and delicate, and fair,
As all of beauty, save her blush,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 1 year ago
An Old Man’s View of Life

We tremble even in our happiness;
Hurried and dim, the unknown hours press
Heavy with care or grief, that none may ever guess.

The future is more present than the past:
For one look back a thousand on we cast,
And Hope doth ever Memory...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 1 year ago
"Good night"

Good night!—what a sudden shadow
Has fallen upon the air,
I look not around the chamber,
I know he is not there.
Sweetness has left the music,
And gladness left the light;
My cheek has lost its colour,
How could he say, Good night!

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 1 year ago
The Desertion of the Muse


'Twas night! but by an airy form,

  My eye was waking kept,
Which gliding near me, seem'd to seek

  The pillow where I slept.

She strove to frown, but still her brow

  Was innocent and mild;

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Regard Due to the Feelings of Others

There is a plant that in its cell,

  All trembling seems to stand,
And bend its stalk, and fold its leaves,

  From each approaching hand.

And thus there is a conscious nerve,

  Within the human breast,
That from the rash or...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
The Rising Moon

Beneath the soft glance of the slow-rising moon,

  Where the landscape was silent I rov'd,
While pleasures departed by memory were shewn,

  And I thought of the friends I had lov'd.

The mild breeze of eve through the branches that...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago

Clime of the unprotected brave!

  Clime of the ancient, and the free!
Whose blood stain'd banners boldly wave

  Mid storms that rock the Ægean sea,
With arm supine, and careless thought

  Why gaze we on thy conflict dire?
To win that...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
Indian Names

"How can the Red Men be forgotten, while so many of our states and territories, bays, lakes, and rivers, are indelibly stamped by names of their giving?"

Ye say they all have passed away,

  That noble race and brave,
That their light canoes...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
Morning Thoughts

Awake! awake! the rosy light
Looks through the parted veil of night
Awake! arise! short space hast thou
On earth, and much thou hast to do:
Another morn to thee is given,
Another gift from bounteous heaven
Is lent to thee, while many...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
Self Examination

Seek not of man with light applause to pay
The priceless guerdon of a well-spent day,—
Wait not for him to judge the generous deed,
But spread the scroll, and bid thy Conscience read.
Rest on thy couch,—recline within thy cell,
And ask...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
Town and Harbour of Ithaca

By another light surrounded
  Than our actual sky;
With the purple ocean bounded
  Does the island lie,
⁠ Like a dream of the old world.
Bare the rugged heights ascending,
  Bring to mind the past,
When the weary voyage ending,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Belvoir Castle.—Seat of the Duke of Rutland

Tis an old and stately castle,
  In an old and stately wood;
Thoughts and shadows gathered round it,
  Of the ages it had...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Strada St. Ursola.—Malta

"A View of many dwellings, long tenanted by the last remnants of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Hall of Glennaquoich

No more the voice of feasting is heard amid those halls,
The grass grows o’er the hearthstone, the fern o’ertops the walls;
And yet those scenes are present, as they were of our age—
Such is the mighty mastery of one enchanted...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Temple Garden

The fountain's low singing is heard on the wind,
Like a melody bringing sweet fancies to mind;
Away in the distance is heard the far sound
From the streets of the city that compass it round,
Like the echo of mountains, or ocean's deep call:

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Humanity Angelic

If ever angels walked on weary earth
In human likeness, thou wert one of them.
Thy native heaven was with thee, but subdued
By suffering life's inevitable lot;
But the sweet spirit did assert its home
By faith and hope, and only owned its yoke ...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

I feel the shadow on my brow,
  The sickness at my heart;
Alas! I look on those I love,
  And am so sad to part.

If I could leave my love behind,
  Or watch from yonder sky
With holy and enduring care,
  I were not loath to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Marriage Vow

The altar, 'tis of death! for there are laid
The sacrifice of all youth's sweetest hopes.
It is a dreadful thing for woman's lip
To swear the heart away; yet know that heart
Annuls the vow while speaking, and shrinks back
From the dark...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Rose

Why, what a history is on the rose!
A history beyond all other flowers;
But never more, in garden or in grove,
Will the white queen reign paramount again.
She must content her with remembered things,
When her pale leaves were badge for knight...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Sir William Stanley

The man was old, his hair was grey—
And I have heard the old man say,
'Keep thou from royal courts away;'
In proof thereof, he wont to tell
The Stanley’s fatal...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Music of Laughter

She had that charming laugh which, like a song,
  The song of a spring-bird, wakes suddenly
When we least look for it. It lingered long
  Upon the ear, one of the sweet things we
Treasure unconsciously. As steals along
  A stream in...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Poet’s First Essay

It is a fearful stake the poet casts,
When he comes forth from his sweet solitude
Of hopes, and songs, and visionary things,
To ask the iron verdict of the world.
Till then his home has been in fairyland,
Sheltered in the sweet depths of his...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

Ask me not, love, what may be in my heart
When, gazing on thee, sudden teardrops start;
When only joy should come where'er thou...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Lancaster Castle

Dark with age these towers look down
Over their once vassal town;
Warlike—yet long years have past
Since they looked on slaughter...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

When the vulture on the wind
  Mounted as in days of old,
Leaving hope and fear behind,
  What did his dark flight...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Claverhouse at the Battle of Bothwell Brig

He leads them on, the chief, the knight;
Dark is his eye with fierce delight,
A calm and unrelenting joy,
Whose element is to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Strada Reale.—Corfu

I am weary of the green wood
Where haunteth the wild bee,
And the olive’s silvery foliage
Droops o’er the myrtle tree.

The fountain singeth silvery,
As with a sleepy song,
It wandereth the bright mosses,
And drooping flowers...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Lines on the Mausoleum of the Princess Charlotte, at Claremont

Alas! how many storm-clouds hang
  O'er every sunny day below!
How many flowers die as they bloom!
  How many more before they...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Ellen. A Fragment

Is she not beautiful, although so pale?
The first May flowers are not more colourless
Than her white cheek; yet I recal the time
When she was called the rosebud of our village.
There was a blush, half modesty, half health,
Upon her cheek, fresh...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

Lay her in the gentle earth,
Where the summer maketh mirth;
Where young violets have birth;
  ⁠Where the lily bendeth.
Lay her there, the lovely one!
With the rose, her funeral stone;
And for tears, such showers alone
⁠ As the rain of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Spanish Page, or, The City's Ransom

She was a chieftain’s daughter, and he a captive boy,
Yet playmates and companions they shared each childish joy;
Their dark hair often mingled, they wandered hand in hand,
But at last the golden ransom restored him to his land.
A lovely town is...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Derwent Water

I knew her—though she used to make
Her dwelling by that lonely lake.
A little while she came to show
How lovely distant flowers can go.
The influence of that fairy scene
Made beautiful her face and mien.
I have seen faces far more fair,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Poet

Oh say not that truth does not dwell with the lyre,
That the Minstrel will feign what he never has felt;
Oh say not his love is a fugitive fire,
Thrown o'er the snow mountains, will sparkle, not...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Song - Listen to the tale

Listen to the tale
  That on the night gale
Blends with the rose's sigh;
  The moon shines o'er thy bower,
  Yon star has marked the hour
When no step and no sound are...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Sixth

"She had no thought from him apart,
The idol of her seared heart,
The hope of life's lone pilgrimage,
The light, the blessing of her age!
But hope is like the rainbow's form,
Dying in tears and born in storm;
And all must feel what passing...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Fifth

"Glad greetings, tender partings, which upstay
The drooping mind of absence."

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Fourth

I do love
These old remembrances—they are to me
The heart’s best intercourse; I love to feel
The griefs, the happiness, the wayward fates
Of those that have been, for these memories
Hallow the spot whereon they linger, and
Waken our kindliest...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Song - There were sweet sounds waked from my harp

There were sweet sounds waked from my harp;
But see, its strings are broken.
Alas! that touch so sweet should leave
So sad a token.
My harp and heart are both alike,
Their music is departed;
The joy of song is gone from one
So broken hearted....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Third.

"You must make
Your heart a grave, and in it bury deep
Its young and beautiful feelings."

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Second.

"Oh, Power of love! so fearful, yet so fair!
Life of our life on earth, yet kin to care!"

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch the First

"A woman’s whole life is
a history of the affections. The heart is her
world. She sends forth her sympathies in
adventure; she embarks her whole soul in the
traffic of love, and, if shipwrecked, her case
is hopeless; it is bankruptcy of the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Valetta, Capital of Malta

The vessel swept in with the light of the morn,
High on the red air its gonfalon borne;
The roofs of the dwellings, the sails of the mast
Mixed in the crimson the daybreak had...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Church at Polignac

[Written during the imprisonment of Prince Polignac and his colleagues, after the French Revolution of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Bona. The Pirate’s Song

To the mast nail our flag, it is dark as the grave,
Or the death which it bears while it sweeps o’er the wave.
Let our deck clear for action, our guns be prepared;
Be the boarding-axe sharpened, the scimetar bared;
Set the canisters ready, and then...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Lord Melbourne

It is a glorious task to guide
The vessel thro’ the dashing tide
When dark is the tumultuous sea
And thunder-clouds are on the lea,
While war notes mount upon the wind
From the fierce storm that rides...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

"Early on the morning following, I walked to the site of the great Carthage,—of that town, at the sound of whose name mighty Rome herself had so often trembled,—of Carthage, the mistress of powerful and brave armies, of numerous fleets, and of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Woodland Brook

Thou art flowing, thou art flowing,
  Oh, small and silvery brook;
The rushes by thee growing,
  And with a patient look
The pale narcissus o’er thee bends
Like one who asks in vain for...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Eucles Announcing the Victory of Marathon

He cometh from the purple hills,
Where the fight has been to-day;
He bears the standard in his hand—
Shout round the victor’s way.
The sun-set of a battle won,
Is round his steps from...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Unknown Grave

There is a little lonely grave
  Which no one comes to see,
The foxglove and red orchis wave
  Their welcome to the bee.
There never falls the morning sun,
  It lies beneath the wall,
But there when weary day is done
  The lights of sunset...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
A Dutch Interior

They were poor, and by their cabin,

  Pale want sat at the door;
And the summer to their harvest

  Brought insufficient store.

On one side, the fierce ocean

  Proclaimed perpetual war;
On the other, mighty nations


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Princess Victoria - A fair young face o’er which is only cast

A fair young face o’er which is only cast
The delicate hues of spring,
Though round her is the presence of the past,
And the stern future gathers darkly fast;
As yet no heavy shadow loads their...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Lake of Como

Again I am beside the lake,
The lonely lake which used to be
The wide world of the beating heart,
When I was, love, with...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

She looked from out the window
With long and asking gaze,
From the gold clear light of morning
  To the twilight’s purple haze.
Gold and pale the planets shone,
Still the girl kept gazing on.
From her white and weary forehead
  Droopeth the dark...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Site of the Castle of Ulysses - Song of the Sirens

Hither, famed Ulysses, steer,
Pass not, pride of Greece, along;
To our haven come and hear,
Come and hear the Sirens' song.

Never did a sable bark
Coasting by our island stray—
That it did not stop to mark,
With raptured ear our honied...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Sacred Shrines of Dwarka

Such was the faith of old—obscure and vast,
And offering human triumphs unto heaven.
Then rose the stately temple, rich with spoils
Won from the vanquished nations. There the god
Stood visible in golden pageantry;
And pride, pomp, power were...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Cemetery of the Smolensko Church

They gather, with the summer in their hands,
The summer from their distant vallies bringing;
They gather round the church in pious bands,
With funeral array, and solemn...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Robert Blake - General and Admiral of the Parliamentary Forces

What! will they sweep the channels,
  And brave us as they go!
There’s no place in English annals
  For the triumph of a...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Delectable Mountains

"Is this the way to the celestial city?
⁠"You are just in the way.
"————They went up the mountains, to behold the gardens and the orchards."

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

She looketh on the glittering scene
  With an unquiet eye;
The shadow of the wakening heart
  Is passing darkly by.
The heart that is a woman’s world,
  Her temple and her home,
Which coloureth with itself her cares,
  Whence all her...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Sir Robert Peel

Mrs. Hemans' last hours were cheered by the kindness of Sir Robert Peel; and the letter promising an appointment to her eldest son, was one of the latest that she received. This fact is my excuse for having deviated from my general rule of leaving...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Happy Hours

Where are they—those happy hours,
  Link'd with everything I see,
With the colour of the flowers,
  With the shadow of the tree!
Still the golden light is falling.
  As when first I saw the place;
I can hear the sweet birds calling

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Pulo Penang

The sail from Penang to Singapore presents the loveliest succession of scenery which ocean can produce. The sea is studded with tracts of fairy-land, glittering like emeralds in the golden sun, where the waving trees dip their long branches into the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Aisle of Tombs

The interior of Chester-le-Street church, Durham, contains a singular collection of monuments, bearing effigies of the deceased ancestry of the Lumley family, from the time of Liulphus to the reign of Queen...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Hindoo Temples and Palace at Madura

Little the present careth for the past,
  Too little,—’tis not well!
  For careless ones we dwell
Beneath the mighty shadow it has...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Fountain’s Abbey - 'Alas, alas! those ancient towers

Alas, alas! those ancient towers,
  Where never now the vespers ring,
But lonely at the midnight hours,
  Flits by the bat on dusky...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Dr. Adam Clarke and the Two Priests of Budha

I have rarely been so interested as by the account Sir Alexander Johnstone gave me of the two young Priests, whose enterprise had as many difficulties, and a far higher object, than our forefathers’ pilgrimages to the Holy Land. They waited on Sir...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Coleraine Salmon Leap

"So numerous are the fish frequenting this river, that the average amount is estimated at £1,000 per annum; and on one, occasion 1,500 salmon were taken at a single drag of the net."—I, however, have only celebrated the exploits of a...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Christmas in the Olden Time, 1650

At Wycoller Hall the family usually kept open house the twelve days at Christmas. Their entertainment was, a large hall of curious ashler work, a long table, plenty of furmenty like new milk, in a morning, made of husked wheat, boiled and roasted...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Queen’s Room, Sizergh Hall, Westmorland

Tradition has conferred on this apartment the name of the Queen’s Room. Catherine Parr, the last queen of Henry VIII., is said to have occupied this apartment for several nights after the king’s...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Phantom

I come from my home in the depth of the sea,
I come that thy dreams may be haunted by me;
Not as we parted, the rose on my brow,
But shadowy, silent, I visit thee now.
The time of our parting was when the moon shone,
Of all heaven’s daughters...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Borro Boedoor

An ancient temple of an ancient faith,
When man, to show the vanity of man,
Was left to his own fantasies. All life
Was conscious of a God;—the sun, the wind,
The mighty ocean, and the distant stars,
Become his prototypes. At length there came ...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Sir Thomas Hardy

Silence is now upon the seas,
  The silent seas of yore;
The thunder of the cannonade
  Awakes the wave no...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Eskdale, Cumberland

Oh! No: I do not wish to see
  The sunshine o’er these hills again;
Their quiet beauty wakes in me
  A thousand wishes wild and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Ruins about the Taj Mahal

An arid plain leads to the luxuriant gardens which still adorn the mausoleum where Shah Jahan and the lovely partner of his throne "sleep the sleep that knows no waking." Ponds of gold and silver fish are the common ornaments of a great...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Widow’s Mite

It is the fruit of waking hours
  When others are asleep,
When moaning round the low thatched roof
  The winds of winter...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Dunold Mill-Hole

In the village of Kellet, about five miles from...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Beverley Minster

Built in far other times, those sculptured walls
Attest the faith which our forefathers felt,
Strong faith, whose visible presence yet remains;
We pray with deeper reverence at a shrine
Hallowed by many prayers. For years, long years,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Montmorency Waterfall and Cone

When the river St. Lawrence is frozen below the Falls, the level ice becomes a support on which the freezing spray descends as sleet; it there remains, and gradually assumes the figure of an irregular cone, which continues to enlarge its dimensions...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Fishing Boats in the Monsoon

Burn yet awhile, my wasting lamp,
  Though long the night may be;
The wind is rough, the air is damp,
  Yet burn awhile for...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Young Destructive

In truth, I do not wonder
  To see them scatter’d round;
So many leaves of knowledge—
  Some fruit must sure be found.

The Eton Latin Grammar
  Has now its verbs declin’d;
And those of Lindley Murray
  Are not so far...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Indian Girl

She sat alone beside her hearth—
  For many nights alone;
She slept not on the pleasant couch
  Where fragrant herbs were...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Snowdrop

Thou beautiful new comer,
  With white and maiden brow;
Thou fairy gift from summer,
  Why art thou blooming now?
This dim and sheltered alley
  Is dark with winter green;
Not such as in the valley
  At sweet spring-time is...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Astrologer

Alas! for our ancient believings,
  We have nothing now left to believe;
The oracle, augur, and omen
  No longer dismay and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Warkworth Hermitage

The lonely cavern, like a chapel carved,
Is situate amid the lonely hills;
The scutcheon, cross, and altar hewn in rock;
And by the altar is a cenotaph.
In marble there a lovely lady lies;
An angel, with a welcome at her side,
A welcome to the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Song - Oh, you cannot prove false to me, my love

Oh, you cannot prove false to me, my love,
  Think how I have confided in thee,
I have prized thy love all else above,
  Oh, you cannot be false to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Stanzas - When should lovers breathe their vows?

"And while the moon reigns cold above,
Oh, warm below reign thou, my love,
  And endless raptures reign with thee." — Lit....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

Oh! cold are thy slumbers, and low is thy grave,
Above it one cypress shall mournfully wave;
No flowers shall flourish around thy death shrine,—
Their bloom would but mock such a dark sleep as thine.
The pale stone overhead, the sod of dank green,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Lily of the Valley

"A fair young face—yet mournful in its youth—
Brooding above sad...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Immolation of a Hindoo Widow

Gather her raven hair in one rich cluster,
Let the white champac light it, as a star
Gives to the dusky night a sudden lustre,
⁠ Shining afar.

Shed fragrant oils upon her fragrant bosom,
Until the breathing air around grows sweet;

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Hindoo Mother

She leaves it to the sacred stream,
  She leaves it to the tide,
Her little child—her darling one,
  And she has none...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Caves of Elephanta

"These celebrated Caves are situated in the beautiful island of their own name. It is composed of two hills, with a narrow valley between them. Ascending the narrow path where the two hills are knit together, there lies below the superb...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Windleshaw Abbey

Mark you not yon sad procession,
  'Mid the ruin'd abbey's gloom,
Hastening to the worm's possession,
  To the dark and silent...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Mardale Head

Why should I seek these scenes again, the past
⁠Is on yon valley like a shroud?

Weep for the love that fate forbids,
  Yet loves unhoping on,
Though every light that once illumed
  Its early path be...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Silent Multitude

"No conversation,
No joyful tread of friends, no voice of lovers,
No careful father's counsel; nothing's heard,
Nor nothing is, but all oblivion,
Dust and an endless darkness."...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
Raphael Sanzio

This celebrated Italian was essentially the painter of beauty. Of the devotion with which he sought its inspiration in its presence, a remarkable instance is recorded. He either could not or would not paint without the presence of his lovely...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Chapter-House, Furness Abbey

The following lines are a translation of an exquisite epistle addressed by St. Beuve to A. Fontenay. It applies very aptly to the fine old Abbey, whose ruins seem the very ideal of the poet's...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
St. Knighton's Kieve

Silent and still was the haunted stream,
Feeble and faint was the moon's pale beam,
And the wind that whispered the waving bough
Was like the sound of some godless...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Scene in Bundelkhund

She sat beneath the palm-tree, as the night
Came with a purple shadow on the day,
Which died away in hues of crimson shades,
Blushes and tears. The wind amid the reeds,
The long green reeds, sung mournfully, and shook
Faint blossoms on the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Caldron Snout.—Westmorland

A place of rugged rocks, adown whose sides
The mountain torrent rushes; on whose crags
The raven builds her nest, and tells her young
Of former funeral feasts.
  ⁠*⁠ * ⁠* ⁠* ⁠* ⁠* ...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Cottage Courtship

Now, out upon this smiling,
  No smile shall meet his sight;
And a word of gay reviling
  Is all he'll hear to-night,
For he'll hold my smiles too lightly,
  If he always sees me smile;
He'll think they shine more brightly
  When I have...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Cup of Circe

Sketches from Designs by Mr. Dagley.
Sketch the Third.

"All have drank of the cup of the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Wind

The Wind has a language, I would I could learn:
Sometimes 'tis soothing, and sometimes 'tis stern,
—Sometimes it comes like a low sweet song,
And all things grow calm, as the sound floats along,
And the forest is lull'd by the dreamy strain,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Golden Grave

He sleeps within his lonely grave
  Upon the lonely hill,
There sweeps the wind—there swells the wave—
  All other sounds are still.
And strange and mournfully sound they;
  Each seems a funeral cry,
O'er life that long has past away,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Forsaken

I dreamed a dream, that I had flung a chain
Of roses around Love,—I woke, and found
I had chained Sorrow. ⁠L. E....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Little Red Riding Hood


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Palace Called Beautiful

"He lifted up his eyes, and behold there was a very stately palace before him, the name of which was 'Beautiful'. Looking very narrowly before him as he went, he espied two lions in the way."—Pilgrim's...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Oh! if thou wilt not give thine heart

Oh! if thou wilt not give thine heart,
  Give back my own to me,
For if in thine I have no part,
  Why should mine dwell with...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
New Year's Eve

There is no change upon the air,
  No record in the sky;
No pall-like storm comes forth to shrowd
  The year about to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Meeting of Wallace and Bruce on the Banks of the Carron

The morn rose bright on scenes renown'd,
Wild Caledonia's classic ground,
Where the bold sons of other days
Won their high fame in Ossian's lays,
And fell—but not till Carron's tide
With Roman blood was darkly dyed.
The morn rose bright—and...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
The Flower of the Desert

"Who does not recollect the exultation of Vaillant over a flower in the torrid wastes of Africa?—The affecting mention of the influence of a flower upon his mind, by Mungo Park, in a time of suffering and despondency, in the heart of the same...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
Carrick-a-Rede, Ireland

He dwelt amid the gloomy rocks,
  A solitary man;
Around his home on every side,
  The deep salt waters ran.
The distant ships sailed far away,
  And o’er the moaning wave
The sea-birds swept, with pale white wings,
  As phantoms haunt the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Song - Are other eyes beguiling, Love?

Are other eyes beguiling, Love?
Are other rose-lips smiling, Love?
Ah, heed them not; you will not find
Lips more true, or eyes more kind,
Than mine,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Six Songs of Love, Constancy, Romance, Inconstancy, Truth, and Marriage

Oh! yet one smile, tho' dark may lower
Around thee clouds of woe and ill,
Let me yet feel that I have power,
Mid Fate's bleak storms, to soothe thee...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

The thought suggested by a Spanish saying.



by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The bee, when varying flowers are nigh

The bee, when varying flowers are nigh,
On many a sweet will careless dwell;
Just sips their dew, and then will fly
Again to its own fragrant cell:—
Thus tho’ my heart, by fancy led,
A wanderer for a while may be,
Yet soon returning whence it...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Michaelmas Daisy

Last smile of the departing year,
Thy sister sweets are flown;
Thy pensive wreath is far more dear,
From blooming thus...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

Oh! how thou art changed, thou proud daughter of fame,
Since that hour of ripe glory, when empire was thine,
When earth's purple rulers, kings, quailed at thy name,
And thy capitol worshipped as Liberty's...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Traveller at the Source of the Nile

In sunset's light, o'er Afric thrown,
  A wanderer proudly stood
Beside the well-spring, deep and lone,
  Of Egypt's awful flood;
The cradle of that mighty birth,
So long a hidden thing to...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
The Abencerrage : Canto I. - continuation 2

"Zayda, my doom is fix'd—another day,
And the wrong'd exile shall be far away;
Far from the scenes where still his heart must be,
His home of youth, and, more than all—from thee.
Oh! what a cloud hath gather'd o'er my lot,
Since last we met on...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
The Abencerrage : Canto I. - continuation 1

For this young Hamet mingles in the strife,
Leader of battle, prodigal of life,
Urging his followers, till their foes beset,
Stand faint and breathless, but undaunted yet.
Brave Aben-Zurrahs, on! one effort more,
Yours is the triumph, and the...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
Ten Years Ago

"Ten years ago," the world was then
A pleasant and a lovely dream;
Life was a river banked by flowers,
With sunshine glancing o'er the stream;
The path was new, and there was thrown
A sweet veil over pleasure's ray;
But ignorance is...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Stanzas On the Death of Miss Campbell

Rose of our love, how soon thou art faded,
The blight has past over thy April bloom,
Where are the hopes that dwelt on thee, all shaded,
The hearts which they brightened are dark as thy...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

"For Music keeps the key of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Fragment - Is not this grove

Is not this grove
A scene of pensive loveliness—the gleam
Of Dian's gentle ray falls on the trees,
And piercing thro’ the gloom, seems like the smile
That pity gives to cheer the brow of grief:
The turf has caught a silvery hue of light
Broken by...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

Tall rocks begirt the lovely valley round,
Like barriers guarding its sweet loneliness;
Clouds rested on their summits, and their sides
Darken‘d with aged woods, where ivy twined
And green moss grew unconscious of the sun:
Rushing in fury from a...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Durham Cathedral

Those dark and silent aisles are fill’d with night,
There breathes no murmur, and there shines no light;
The graves beneath the pavement yield their gloom,
’Till the cathedral seems one mighty tomb.
The Cross invisible—the words unseen
That tell...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

Go back a century on the town,
  That o’er yon crowded plain,
With wealth its dower, and art its crown,
  Extends its proud domain.
Upon that plain a village stood,
  Lonely, obscure, and poor ;
The sullen stream rolled its dull flood

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Unavailing Regret

Farewell! and when the charm of change
  Has sunk, as all must sink, in shade;
When joy, a wearied bird, begins
  The wing to droop, the plume to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Music of Laughter

She had that charming laugh which, like a song,
The song of a spring-bird, wakes suddenly
When we least look for it. It lingered long
Upon the ear, one of the sweet things we
Treasure unconsciously. As steals along
A stream in sunshine, stole...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Howth Light-House

Few subjects can be more sublime and grand than the present Illustration, under the circumstances and point of view in which it is here represented. A vista, formed by a great chasm amid the rocks, discloses to the view the lofty promontory called...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

Now, doth not summer’s sunny smile
Sink soft o’er that Ionian isle,
While round the kindling waters sweep
The murmur'd music of the deep,
The many melodies that swell
From breaking wave and red-lipp’d shell...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

These are the spiders of society;
They weave their petty webs of lies and sneers,
And lie themselves in ambush for the spoil.
The web seems fair, and glitters in the sun,
And the poor victim winds him in the toil
Before he dreams of danger, or...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Past

Weep for the love that fate forbids;
  Yet loves, unhoping, on,
Though every light that once illumed
  Its early path be...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Ivy Bridge, Devonshire

Oh, recall not the past, though this valley be filled
  With all we remember, and all we regret;
The flowers of its summer have long been distilled,
  The essence has perish'd, ah! let us forget.
What avails it to mourn over hours that are...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
To Olinthus Gregory, L.L.D.,F.R.A.S., &c.

ТHE following lines allude to Dr. Gregory’s late domestic calamity. Mr. Boswell Gregory, his eldest son, was drowned by the boat's upsetting as he was returning home by water to his father's house at...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Jahara Baug, Agra - The History of Shah Dara’s Flight and Death

Agra was Shah Jehan’s city of residence. It was from its walls that he witnessed the overthrow of Prince Dara, his eldest son. The Jehara Baug is one of the gardens adjoining the river.

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
What is Success?

All things are symbols; and we find
  In morning's lovely prime,
The actual history of the mind
  In its own early time:
So, to the youthful poet's gaze,
  A thousand colours rise,—
The beautiful which soon decays.
  The buoyant which...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
A Poet's First Essay

It is a fearful stake the poet casts,
When he comes forth from his sweet solitude
Of hopes, and songs, and visionary things,
To ask the iron verdict of the world.
Till then his home has been in fairyland,
Sheltered in the sweet depths of his...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Speke Hall

O, fair old house—how Time doth honour thee,
Giving thee what to-day may never gain,
Of long respect and ancient poesy ;
The yew-trees at thy doors are black with years,
And filled with memories of those warlike days,
When from each bough was...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

Ask me not, love, what may be in my heart
When, gazing on thee, sudden teardrops start;
When only joy should come where'er thou...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

Ah ! there are memories that will not vanish ;
Thoughts of the past we have no power to banish ;
To shew the heart how powerless mere will,
For we may suffer, and yet struggle still.
It is not at our choice that we forget,
That is a power no...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

What Shakspeare said of lovers, might apply
To all the world — " 'Tis well they do not see
The pretty follies that themselves commit."
Could we but turn upon ourselves the eyes
With which we look on others, life would pass
In one perpetual...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The First Doubt

Youth, love, and rank, and wealth — all these combined,
Can these be wretched ? Mystery of the mind,
Whose happiness is in itself; but still
Has not that happiness at its own will.
She felt too wretched with the sudden fear —
Had she such...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
A Portrait

Many were lovely there ; but, of that many,
Was one who looked the loveliest of any —
The youthful countess. On her cheek the dies
Were crimson with the morning's exercise ;
The laugh upon her full red lip yet hung ;
And, arrow-like, light...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

My heart hath turned aside
From its early dreams ;
To me their course has been
Like mountain streams.

Bright and pure they left
Their place of birth ;
Soon on every wave
Came taints of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Small Miseries

Life's smallest miseries are, perhaps, its worst :
Great sufferings have great strength : there is a pride
In the bold energy that braves the worst,
And bears proud in the bearing ; but the heart
Consumes with those small sorrows, and small...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Coronation

What memories haunt the venerable pile !
It is the mighty treasury of the past,
Where England garners up her glorious dead.
The ancient chivalry are sleeping there —
Men who sought out the Turk in Palestine,
And laid the crescent low before the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Coquette

She danced upon the waters,
  Beneath the morning sun,
Of all old Ocean’s daughters
  The very fairest one.
An azure zone comprest her
  Round her white and slender side,
For her gallant crew had drest her
  Like a beauty and a...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The River of the Water of Life


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
St. Mawgan Church and Lanhern Nunnery, Cornwall

The old Mansion of Lanhern belonged to the Lords Arundell, of Wardour. It was given in 1794 by Henry Eighth, Lord Arundell, as an asylum for a convent of English Theresian nuns, who had migrated from Antwerp, in consequence of the invasion of the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Orphan Ballad Singers

O, WEARY, weary are our feet,
  And weary, weary is our way ;
Through many a long and crowded street
  We’ve wandered mournfully to-day.
My little sister she is pale;
  She is too tender and too young
To bear the autumn’s sullen gale,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Honister Crag, Cumberland

In this wild and picturesque glen a skirmish took place between the Elliotts and the Graemes, in which the young leader of the Scottish clan was slain, though his party were victorious. They buried him in an opening on the hillside ; and every...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Hindoo and Mahommedan Buildings

THE Engraving represents a splendid sculptured Portico of a Temple dedicated to Mahadeo, at Moondheyra in Guzerat. This elaborate and magnificent specimen of the best age of Hindoo architecture, has been in ruins since the invasion of Alla o Deen,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Sassoor, in the Deccan

THE plate represents a temple to Mahadeo, surrounded by inferior shrines. The Hindoos usually place some religious building at the confluence of two streams : and when the accompanying view was taken, there were some cultivated gardens, and groves...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Etty's Rover

Thou lovely and thou happy child,
Ah, how I envy thee !
I should be glad to change our state,
If such a thing might be.

And yet it is a lingering joy
To watch a thing so fair,
To think that in our weary life
Such pleasant moments...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Avenger

It is customary among many of the Arab tribes, when a chief is slain, to preserve his sandals, which are given to his son or nearest kinsman when of age, to avenge his...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Slave Ship

No surge was on the sea,
No cloud was on the day,
When the ship spread her white wings,
Like a sea-bird on her way.

Ocean lay bright before,
The shore lay green behind,
And a breath of spice and balm
Came on the landward...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Introduction (Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1835)

AND has my heart enough of song
To give these pictured lines
The poetry that must belong
To what such art designs?
The landscape, and the ruined tower,
The temple’s stately brow —
Methinks I never felt their power
As I am feeling now.

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Visionary

I Pray thee do not speak to me
  As you are speaking now,
It brings the colour to my check,
  The shadow to my...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Coniston Water

Thou lone and lovely water, would I were
A dweller by thy deepest solitude !
How weary am I of my present life,
Its falsehoods, and its fantasies—its noise,
And the unkindly hurry of the crowd,
’Mid whom my days are numbered! I would watch

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Missionary

It is a glorious task to seek,
Where misery droops the patient head :
Where tears are on the widow’s cheek,
Where weeps the mourner o’er the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

In the year 1715, the friends of the Pretender were defeated here by the forces of George the First, under the command of Generals Willis and Carpenter. Having been joined by disaffected people, great numbers of them were made prisoners, brought to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Shuhur, Jeypore

A LONELY grave, far from all kindred ties;
Lonely like life, and that was past afar
From friends and home. 'Tis well that youth has hopes
That gladden with the future present hours ;
Or else how sorrowful would seem the time
Which parts the young...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Honours - Part2 conclusion

Bereft of heaven, and of the long-loved page
  Wrought us by some who thought with death to cope.
Despairing comforters, from age to age
      Sowing the seeds of...

by Jean Ingelow

added 7 years ago
Honours - Part2

(The Answer.)

As one who, journeying, checks the rein in haste
  Because a chasm doth yawn across his way
Too wide for leaping, and too steeply faced
      For climber to...

by Jean Ingelow

added 7 years ago
The Wishing Gate

Wishes, no ! I have not one,
Hope’s sweet toil with me is done ;
One by one have flitted by,
All the rainbows of the sky.
Not a star could now unfold
Aught I once wished to be told.
What have I to seek of thee?
Not a wish remains for...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Airey Force

Aye, underneath yon shadowy side,
  I could be fain to fix my home;
Where dashes down the torrent’s pride,
  In sparkling wave, and silver...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
A Legend of Teignmouth

A STORY of the olden time, when hearts
Wore truer faith than now—a carved stone
Is in a little ancient church which stands
Mid yonder trees, ’tis now almost defaced ;
But careful eye may trace the mould’ring lines,
And kind tradition has...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Dancing Girl

A light and joyous figure, one that seems
As if the air were her own element ;
Begirt with cheerful thoughts, and bringing back
Old days, when nymphs upon Arcadian plains
Made musical the wind, and in the sun
Flash’d their bright cymbals and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
John Kemble

O ! GLORIOUS triumph, thus to sway at will
All feelings in our nature ; thus to work
The springs of sympathy, the mines of thought,
And all the deep emotions of the heart.
To colour the fine paintings of the mind,
And bid them move and breathe....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Improvisatrice - I (Florence)

I am a daughter of that land,
Where the poet’s lip and the painter’s hand
Are most divine, —where the earth and sky,
Are picture both and poetry—
I am of Florence. ’Mid the chill
Of hope and feeling, oh! I still
Am proud to think to where I owe

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
"The Scroll"

The maiden's cheek blush'd ruby bright.
And her heart beat quick with its own delight;
Again she should dwell on those vows so dear.
Almost as if her lover were near.
Little deemed she that letter would tell
How that true lover fought and fell.

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Pilgrim (And Palmer, grey Palmer, by Galilee's wave.)

And Palmer, grey Palmer, by Galilee's wave.
Oh! saw you Count Albert, the gentle and brave.
When the crescent waxed faint, and the red cross
rushed on,
Oh! saw you him foremost on Mount Lebanon.

* * * * *...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 4 E (Reunion)

AND praise rang forth, the prize is won,
Young minstrel, thou hast equal none!
They led him to the lady's seat,
And knelt he down at EVA'S feet;
She bent his victor brow to deck,
And, fainting, sunk upon his neck!
The cap and plume aside were...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 4 D (The Contest)

Alas for her whom ev'ry eye
Worshipp'd like a divinity!
Alas for her whose ear was fill'd
With flatteries like sweet woods distill'd!
Alas for EVA! bloom and beam,
Music and mirth, came like a dream,
In which she mingled not,—apart
From all in...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 4 C (Home)

AND what were RAYMOND'S dreams that night?
The morning's gift of crimson light
Waked not his sleep, for his pale cheek
Did not of aught like slumber speak;
Though not upon a morn like this
Should RAYMOND turn to aught but bliss.
To-day, when EVA...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 4 B (Adeline)

And where was RAYMOND , where was he?
Borne homeward o'er the rapid sea,
While sunny days and favouring gales
Brought welcome speed to the white sails,—
With bended knee, and upraised hand,
He stood upon his native land,
With all that happiness can...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 3 G (Elvira)

    THE arch was past, the crimson gleam
Of morning fell upon the stream,
And flash'd upon the dazzled eye
The day-break of a summer sky;
And they are sailing amid ranks
Of cypress on the river banks:
They land where water-lilies spread
Seem almost...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 3 F Moorish Maiden's Tale


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 3 E (Escape)

    One weary time, when he had thrown
Himself on his cold bed of stone,
Sudden he heard a stranger hand
Undo the grating's iron band:
He knew 'twas stranger, for no jar
Came from the hastily drawn bar.
Too faintly gleam'd the lamp to show
The face...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Admiral Lord Collingwood

METHINKS it is a glorious thing,
To sail upon the deep ;
A thousand sailors under you,
Their watch and ward to keep :

To see your gallant battle-flag,
So scornfully unrolled,
As scarcely did the wild wind dare
To stir one crimson fold:


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Tomb of Aurungzebe

Oh, fleeting honours of the dead,
Oh, high ambition lowly...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Dartmouth Castle

I SHOULD like to dwell where the deep blue sea
Rock’d to and fro as tranquilly,
As if it were willing the halcyon’s nest
Should shelter through summer its beautiful guest,
When a plaining murmur like that of a song,
And a silvery line come the waves...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Futtypore Sicri - The Favourite Residence of the Emperor Ackbar

THE summer palace of the king,
Whose lightest word was enough to bring
Every gem and every flower,
To light his hall—and to wreath his bower.
Can you not fancy the summer-time,
Such as it is in a southern clime ?
Can you not fancy the glorious home,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Church of the Carmelite Friary

LONG years have fled away since last
I stood upon my native land,
And other longer years have past
Since here I raised a suppliant hand ;
And yet how oft the sacred shrine,
How oft the holy vesper song
Again in slumber have been mine,
Upon the night...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Chinese Pagoda

WHENE'ER a person is a poet,
No matter what the pang may be;
Does not at once the public know it ?
Witness each newspaper we...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Kylas, Caves of Ellora

The East, it is thy birth-place, thou bright sun;
There, too, the mind of man first felt its power,
And did begin its course. These mighty fanes
Were of its earliest efforts: that fine skill
And high imagination, which called forth
These giant...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Round Tower of Clondalkin

CLONDALKIN (pronounced Clondawkin), a village about five miles from Dublin; it possesses a fine specimen of those mysterious buildings called Round or Pillar Towers.
An attempt has been made to translate, or rather to imitate, some Irish verses,...

by Anonymous

added 7 years ago

GOOD Heaven! whatever shall I do ?
I must write something for my readers:
What has become of my ideas ?
Now, out upon them for seceders!
Of all the places in the world,
To fix upon a port in China;
Celestial empire, how I wish
I had been christened...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Hall i th' Wood

CHANGE, change, wondrous change,
Mighty is thy power, and strange ;
Summer sleeps beneath the snow,
Fading follows autumn’s glow :
Time, what has its chronicle,
But of thee and thine to tell ?
What can yonder house record ?
First it had the feudal...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

OH lone and lovely solitude,
Washed by the sounding sea !
Nature was in a poet's mood,
When she created thee.

How pleasant in the hour of noon
To wander through the shade;
The soft and golden shade which June
Flings o’er thy inland glade...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Tomb of Humaioon, Delhi

THE Emperor Humaioon* was the founder of the Mogul dynasty, the father of Akbar, and grandsire of “the magnificent son of Akbar Jehanghire,” so well known as the kingly lover of Nourmahal, in “The Feast of Roses.” In his early life he was much given...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Right Honourable Lord Durham

Now on an Embassy at the Court of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

OH LOVELY Picture, thou art one to haunt
The mind in feverish moods of discontent,
When noise and multitudes afflict the heart
With bitter sense of personal nothingness.
How beautiful the summer solitude
Of that lone water, which the mountain...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Cootub Minar, Delhi

I HAVE forgotten,” ’tis a common phrase
Said every hour, and said of every thing;
Objects of sight and hearing pass away,
As they had not impressed the eye nor ear:
Faces we loved, the voices we thought sweet,
Go from us utterly; the very heart...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Dartmouth Church

JUST where the evening sunbeams rest, there hangs
A simple tablet with a maiden's name,
And with a common history—alas,
That such things should be common ! There are some
In youth so full of youth's divinest part,
Its hope, its ready sympathies, its...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

OH, pleasant on a winter night,
To see the fagot blaze,
While o’er white wall and sanded floor,
The cheerful firelight...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Langdale Pikes

And through that valley winds a little stream like a pleasant thought, ’mid the gray rocks, and the purple heath; its banks are the only green things, as if the spring loved them for the sake of seeing her face mirrored in the clear stream. Some...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Assar Mahal - Ruins near Agra

ALAS, o’er the palace in ruins,
Time has past with a terrible trace—
Yet still the vast shrine and the temple
Seem to speak of a mightier race
Than ours, which exists by the minute,
And builds but by contract and steam,
Till the spirit has no where...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Princess Charlotte

THE tears of a nation were shed for her doom,
The wail of a people rose over her tomb.
From palace and cottage one funeral cry,
Asked—So gay and so lovely, oh, how could she die...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Hindoo Temples at Benares

AND day by day, and hour by hour,
The sacred stream floats past,
And rises higher o’er the shrines,
Doomed to its depths at...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Boscastle Waterfall and Quarry

OH, gloomy quarry! thou dost hide in thee
The tower and shrine.
The city vast and grand and wonderful,
And strong, is thine.
Look at the mighty buildings of our land,
What once were they ?
Ere they rose fashioned by the cunning hand,
In proud array....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

The steps of Fate are dark and terrible;
And not here may we trace them to the goal.
If I could doubt the heaven in which I hope,
The doubt would vanish, gazing upon life,
And seeing what it needs of peace and rest.
Life is but like a journey during...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Faith Ill Requited

I feel the presence of my own despair;
It darkens round me palpable and vast.
I gave my heart unconsciously; it filled
With love as flowers are filled with early dew,
And with the light of morning.
If he be false, he who appeared so true,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Disturbing Spirit

Doubt, despairing, crime, and craft,
Are upon that honied shaft.
It has made the crowned king
Crouch beneath his suffering;
Made the beauty's cheek more pale
Than the foldings of her veil:
Like a child the soldiers kneel,
Who had mocked at flame or...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

I tell thee death were far more merciful
Than such a blow. It is death to the heart;
Death to its first affections, its sweet hopes;
The young religion of its guileless faith.
Henceforth the well is troubled at the spring;
The waves run clear no...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Views of Life

We tremble even in our happiness;
Hurried and dim, the unknown hours press
Heavy with care or grief, that none may ever guess.

The future is more present than the past:
For one look back a thousand on we cast,
And Hope doth ever Memory...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Thubare, a Port on the Arabian Coast

THOU lovely port of Araby,
Of Araby the blest,
I think of the time, when thy summer clime,
Was bright on my midnight rest;
And the gates uprose, which at evening close.
Lest they harbour forbidden guest.
Oh! I must let my thoughts go back,
O’er the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Treryn Castle

A MONARCH, who had lost his crown,
As crowns have been so often lost,
By kindred treachery, or worse,
The price his own fond blindness cost,
Methinks were fitting guest to be
Alone, thou rugged scene, with thee;
Magnificent, yet desolate,
In harmony...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Sarnat, a Boodh Monument

DIM faith of other times, when earth was young,
And eager in belief; when men were few,
And felt their nothingness; not then elate
With numbers, science, and the victories
Which history registers o’er vanquished time.
For time is vanquished by...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
A First Disappointment

The deep, the long, the dreaming hours,
  That I have past with thee,
When thou hadst not a single thought
  Of how thou wert with...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Life Surveyed

Not in a close and bounded atmosphere
Does life put forth its noblest and its best;
'Tis from the mountain's top that we look forth,
And see how small the world is at our feet.
There the free winds sweep with unfettered wing;
There the sun rises...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Dear Gifts

Life's best gifts are bought dearly. Wealth is won
By years of toil, and often comes too late:
With pleasure comes satiety ; and pomp
Is compassed round with vexing vanities :
And genius, earth's most glorious gift, that lasts
When all beside is...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Mind's Unrest

Mind, dangerous and glorious gift!
Too much thy native heaven has left
Its nature in thee, for thy light
To be content with earthly home.
It hath another, and its sight
Will too much to that other roam ;
And heavenly light, and earthly clay,
But ill...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Love's Ending

And this, then, is love's ending. It is like
The history of some fair southern clime :
Hot fires are in the bosom of the earth,
And the warmed soil puts forth its thousand flowers,
Its fruits of gold — summer's regality ;
And sleep and odours float...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

WHERE are they bound, those gallant ships,
That here at anchor lie,
Now quiet as the sleeping birds,
Beneath a summer sky ?

Their white wings droop, their shadows rest,
Unbroken on the deep,
As if the airy elements
Had their own hour of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Tomb of Mohomed Shah

WHAT do they call a happy end,
How did the monarch die ?
The purple for his winding sheet,
His courtiers standing by ;
A shadow upon every brow,
A tear in every...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Collegiate Church, Manchester

DIM, thro’ the sculptured aisles the sun-beam falls
More like a dream
Of some imagined beam,
Than actual daylight over mortal...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

Fear not to trust her destiny with me:
I can remember, in my early youth,
Wandering amid our old ancestral woods,
I found an unfledged dove upon the ground.
I took the callow creature to my care,
And fain had given it to its nest again:
That could...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Bridal Flowers

Bind the white orange-flowers in her hair,
Soft be their shadow, soft and somewhat pale—
For they are omens. Many anxious years
Are on the wreath that bends the bridal...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Gentleness Pictured

A gentle creature was that girl,
Meek, humble, and subdued;
Like some lone flower that has grown up
In woodland...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

Bring from the east, bring from the west,
Flowers for the hair, gems for the vest ;
Bring the rich silks that are shining with gold,
Wrought in rich broidery on every...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Dangers Faced

My heart is filled with bitter thought,
My eyes would fain shed tears;
I have been thinking upon past,
And upon future...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Wrongs of Love

Alas, how bitter are the wrongs of love
Life has no other sorrow so acute :
For love is made of every fine emotion,
Of generous impulses, and noble thoughts ;
It looketh to the stars, and dreams of Heaven ;
It nestles 'mid the flowers, and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Queen of Portugal

Young daughter of a race of kings,
Is there no crown for thee,
The blood that feeds thy being springs
From hoar antiquity.
And many are the legends told
Of thy proud house in days of old.
Methinks ’tis hard to be
A wanderer, rifled of thy own,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Lord and Lady Derby

The times are peaceful, and we know
No unsheathed sword, no bended bow;
No more upon the quiet night
Flashes the beacon’s sudden light,
No more the vassals in the hall
Start at the trumpet’s fiery call;
And undisturbed the ivy wreath
Hangs o'er the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
St. Michael's Mount

The romantic Castle of St Michael's, situated upon a lofty insulated hill, in Mount's Bay, is the theme of many a Cornish legend; the most prevalent supposes that their ‘long-lost Arthur’ resides there, under the immediate guardianship of the...

by Anonymous

added 7 years ago
Lismore Castle

How calmly, Lismore, do thy battlements rise
  O'er the light woods around thee, whose changing leaves quiver,
As the sad wind of Autumn, with fitful gust sighs,
  And mingles its voice with the rush of the...

by Anonymous

added 7 years ago
The City of Delhi

Thou glorious city of the East, of old enchanted times,
When the fierce Genii swayed all Oriental climes,
I do not ask from history a record of thy fame,
A fairy page has stamped for me thy consecrated...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Giant's Causeway

They met beside the stormy sea, those giant kings of old,
And on each awful brow was set, a crown of burning gold.
No ray the yet unrisen stars, or the wan moonbeams, gave,
But far and bright, the meteor light shone over cloud and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Jumma Musjid. - The Principal Mosque at Agra

Yon mosque alone remains to tell,
How glorious once did Agra rise,
When gilded roof and pinnacle
Met morning half-way in the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Valley of Rocks - Near Linton, Devonshire

This valley is bounded by huge naked rocks, piled one upon the other, and resembling extensive ruins : vast fragments overspread the ground, and exhibit on every side awful vestiges of convulsion and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The House in which Roscoe was Born

A LOWLY roof, an English farm-house roof—
What is the train of thought that it should wake ?
Why cheerful evenings, when the winter cold
Grows glad beside the hearth ; or summer days,
When round the shady porch the woodbine clings;
Some aged man...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
El Wuish

El Wuish a small harbour on the Arabian coast of the Red Sea. The intricacies of a great and almost unbroken extent of coral reefs, renders the navigation rather difficult, and extremely tedious. The boatmen often beguile the night by singing. The...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Io Triumphe

Heavy had been the march that day,
For long and sultry was the way ;
More weary far than if it lay
  To be cut through armed foes:
The pennon drooped upon the air,
As if it had no business there,
With nothing rival near to dare,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Carclaze Tin-mine, Cornwall

Those stately galleys cut the seas,
Their wings the mighty oars ;
And the sun set o'er their purple sails,
When touched those ships our...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Curraghmore. A Seat of the Marquis of Waterford.

(The name signifies " the great plain," and the
surrounding country is of singular beauty and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

City of idol temples, and of shrines,
Where folly kneels to falsehood—how the pride
Of our humanity is here rebuked !
Man, that aspires to rule the very wind,
And make the sea confess his majesty ;
Whose intellect can fill a little scroll
With words...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Skeleton Group in the Ramedwur, Caves of Ellora

Supposed to represent the nuptials of Siva and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Fowey Harbour, and Polruan Castle, &c.

The Ladye sat in her lonely tower,
Singing a mournful song;
One of those sad and olden rhymes
That aye to love belong.
The bride is young, and her lord is away,
Therefore sings she that love-lorn...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 3 D (Captivity)

AND AMIRALD from that hour sought
A refuge from each mournful thought
In RAYMOND'S sad but soothing smile;
And listening what might well beguile
The spirit from its last recess
Of dark and silent wretchedness.
He spoke of EVA, and he tried
To rouse...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 3 C (The Aged Man)

'Tis strange how much I still retain
  Of these wild tortures of my brain,
  Though now they but to memory seem
  A curse, a madness, and a dream;
  But well I can recall the hour
  When first the fever lost its power;
  As one whom...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Vale of Lonsdale, Lancashire

I COULD not dwell here, it is all too fair,
Too sunny, too luxuriant ; those green fields,
With the rich shadows of their old oak trees,
Or the more graceful sweep of the light ash;
Fields where the skylark builds amid the grass,
Trees where the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Lines on Curran's Picture

Oh ! is it not a gallant sight to mark
A little vessel breast the stormy sea,
With sails triumphant swelling to the wind ?
Dashing the waters from her side in scorn,
She cleaves the ocean, and, with arrowy prow.
Scattering the snowy foam, a...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Water Palace, Mandoo

He built it, for he was a king,
And wealth was at his will;
He had another mountain hold
Upon a mighty hill:
But that was built in times of war
With high and armed walls,
With midnight watchers in its towers,
And warriors in its halls ;
But this...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Restormel Castle

It was the last Chief of Restormel,
He sat within his tower,
Dim burnt the hearth, and pale was the lamp,
For it was the midnight...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Weakness Ends With Love

I say not, regret me ; you will not regret ;
You will try to forget me, you cannot forget ;
We shall hear of each other, ah, misery to hear
Those names from another which once were so dear !
But deep words shall sting thee that breathe of the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
A Comparison

A pretty, rainbow sort of life enough ;
Filled up with vanities and gay caprice :
Such life is like the garden at Versailles,
Where all is artificial ; and the stream
Is held in marble basins, or sent up
Amid the fretted air, in waterfalls...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Poet's Lot

The poet's lovely faith creates
The beauty he believes ;
The light which on his footsteps waits,
He from himself...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Grass-Rope Bridge, at Teree, In the province of Gurwall

We had to watch the fading
Of that young and lovely cheek,
And that pale lip's mute upbraiding,
Which asked not sound to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Volcano of Ki-rau-e-a

An ebbing tide of fire, the evil powers
In fear and anger here are paramount,
Rending the bosom of the fertile earth,
And spreading desolation. Black as night,
And terrible, as if the grave had sent
Its own dark atmosphere to upper air,
The heavy...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Experience Too Late

It is the past that maketh my despair;
The dark, the sad, the irrevocable past.
Alas ! why should our lot in life be made,
Before we know that life ? Experience comes,
But comes too late. If I could now recall
All that I now regret, how...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Black-Rock Fort and Lighthouse

Thank God, thank God—the beacon light
Is breaking beautiful through night;
Urge the boat through the surge, once more
We are beside our English...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 2 G The Last Song


IT is the latest song of mine
  That ever breathes thy name,
False idol of a dream-raised shrine,
  Thy very thought is shame,--
Shame that I could my sprit bow
To one so very false as...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 2 F (Another Venture)

Oh, misery! to see the tomb
Close over all our world of bloom;
To look our last in the dear eyes
Which made our light of paradise;
To know that silent is the tone
Whose tenderness was all our own;
To kiss the cheek which once had burn'd
At the least...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

What mockeries are our most firm resolves !
To will is ours, but not to execute.
We map our future like some unknown coast,
And say, " Here is an harbour, here a rock —
The one we will attain, the other shun :"
And we do neither. Some chance...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Love's Timidity

I do not ask to offer thee
A timid love like mine ;
I lay it, as the rose is laid,
On some immortal shrine.

I have no hope in loving thee,
I only ask to love ;
I brood upon my silent heart,
As on its nest the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 3 B (Death)

I saw her!—on the ground she lay,
  The life blood ebbing fast away;
  But almost as she could not die
  Without my hand to close her eye!
  When to my bosom press'd, she raised
  Her heavy lids, and feebly gazed,

  And her lip moved: I...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 2 E (Breaking Free)

WHERE is the heart that has not bow'd
A slave, eternal Love, to thee:
  Look on the cold, the gay, the proud,
And is there one among them free?
The cold, the proud,—oh! Love has turn'd
The marble till with fire it burn'd;
The gay, the young,—alas...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Nellie's Lament for the Pirnhouse Cat

Killed by the Elevator, C----e Factory, Dundee

Oh ! fare-ye-weel my bonnie cat,
Nae mair I'll smooth yer skin sae black.
Mony a time I stroked yer back,
Puir wee creator;
Ye've gane yer last lang sleep tae tak’

by Ellen Johnston

added 7 years ago

He scorned them from the centre of his heart,
For well he knew mankind ; and he who knows
Must loathe or pity. He who dwells apart,
With books, and nature, and philosophy,
May lull himself with pity ; he who dwells
In crowds and cities,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 2 D Elenore


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 2 C (The Ladye Adeline)

Sudden a flood of lustre play'd
Over a lofty ballustrade,
Music and perfume swept the air,
Messengers sweet for the spring to prepare;
And like a sunny vision sent
For worship and astonishment,
Aside a radiant ladye flung
The veil that o'er her...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Visionary and the True

Ah ! waking dreams, that mock the day,
Have other ends than those
That come beneath the moonlight ray.
And charm the eyes they...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Hurdwar * A Place of Hindoo Pilgrimage

I LOVE the feeling which, in former days,
Sent men to pray amid the desert's gloom,
Where hermits left a cell, or saints a tomb ;
Good springs alike from penitence and praise,
From aught that can the mortal spirit raise:
And though the faith be...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Pirate’s Song off the Tiger Island

Our prize is won, our chase is o’er,
Turn the vessel to the shore.
Place yon rock, so that the wind,
Like a prisoner, howl behind ;
Which is darkest—wave, or cloud ?
One a grave, and one a shroud.
Though the thunder rend the sky,
Though the echoing...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Storrs, Windermere Lake

I WOULD I had a charmed bark,
To sail that lovely lake ;
Nor should another prow but mine
Its silver silence wake.
No oar should cleave its sunny tide;
But I would float along,
As if the breath that filled my sail
Were but a murmured...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The World Within

There was a shadow on his face, that spake
Of passion long since hardened into thought.
He had a smile, a cold and scornful smile ;
Not gaiety, not sweetness, but the sign
Of feelings moulded at their master's will.
A weary world was hidden at...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
A Noble Lady

A pale and stately lady, with a brow
That might have well beseemed a Roman dame,
Cornelia, ere her glorious children died ;
Or that imperial mother, who beheld
Her son forgive his country at her word.
Yet there was trouble written on her face ;...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Success Alone Seen

Few know of life's beginnings — men behold
The goal achieved. The warrior, when his sword
Flashes red triumph in the noonday sun ;
The poet, when his lyre hangs on the palm ;
The statesman, when the crowd proclaim his voice,
And mould opinion...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Life's Mask

Which was the true philosopher ?—the sage
Who to the sorrows and the crimes of life
Gave tears —or he who laughed at all he saw?
Such mockery is bitter, and yet just:
And Heaven well knows the cause there is to weep.
Methinks that life is what the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

Vanity ! guiding power, 'tis thine to rule
Statesman and vestryman—the knave or fool.
The Macedonian crossed Hydaspes' wave,
Fierce as the storm, and gloomy as the grave.
Urged by the thought, what would Athenians say,
When next they gathered on a...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Much Change in a Little Time

And she too — that beloved child, was gone —
Life's last and loveliest link. There was her place
Vacant beside the hearth — he almost dreamed
He saw her still ; so present was her thought.
Then some slight thing reminded him how far

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 2 B (The battle)

AND waning stars, and brightening sky,
And on the clouds a crimson dye,
And fresher breeze, and opening flowers,
Tell the approach of morning hours.
Oh, how can breath, and light, and bloom,
Herald a day of death and doom!
With knightly pennons,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

'Tis a vain folly, and I know it such ; 

Yet who has not some weakness which the heart 

Has made an idol ? 'Tis thus with the name

That to my lute is as the vizard is, 

Which hides the masquer's face. I have no hope. 

Nay, scarce the wish, for...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 1 D (Raymond's departure)

THE song ceased, yet not with its tone
Is the minstrel's vision wholly flown;
But there he stood as if he had sent
His spirit to rove on the element.
But EVA broke on his trance, and the while
Play'd o'er her lip a sigh and a smile;--
"Now turn thee...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 1 C Ballad


HE raised the golden cup from the board,
  It sparkled with purple wealth,
He kist the brim her lip had prest,
  And drank to his ladye's...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 1 B (Eva's origin)

LORD AMIRALD , (thus the tale was told),
The former lord of the castle-hold,—
LORD AMIRALD had followed the chase
Till he was first and last in the race;
The blood-dy'd sweat hung on his steed,
Each breath was a gasp, yet he stay'd not his speed....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago

Is not the lark companion of the spring?
And should not Hope — that sky-lark of the heart--
Bear, with her sunny song, youth company ?
Still is its sweetest music poured for love ;
And that is not for me : yet will I love,
And hope, though only...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Three Extracts from the Diary of a Week


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Palace of the Seven Stories

The past it is a fearful thing,
With an eagle’s sweep, and a tiger's spring.
Here was a palace, the dwelling of kings,
Now to its turrets the creeping plant...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
A Snow Mountain

CAN I make white enough my thought for thee,
  Or wash my words in light? Thou hast no mate
To sit aloft in the silence silently
  And twin those matchless heights undesecrate.
Reverend as Lear, when, lorn of shelter, he
  Stood, with...

by Jean Ingelow

added 8 years ago
The Bayadere. An Indian Tale (2) Ending

The moonlight is on a little bower,
With wall and with roof of leaf and of flower,
Built of that green and holy tree
Which heeds not how rude the storm may be.
Like a bridal canopy over head
The jasmines their slender wreathings spread,
One with...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Bayadere. An Indian Tale (1)

THERE were seventy pillars around the hall,
Of wreathed gold was each capital,
And the roof was fretted with amber and gems,
Such as light kingly diadems;
The floor was marble, white as the snow
Ere its pureness is stained by its fall below:
In the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Another Dream

Oh ! never another dream can be
Like that early dream of ours,
When the fairy, Hope, lay down like a child,
And slept amid opening...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago


AN empty sky, a world of heather,
  Purple of foxglove, yellow of broom;
We two among them wading together,
  Shaking out honey, treading...

by Jean Ingelow

added 8 years ago
The Altered River

Thou lovely river, thou art now
  As fair as fair can be,
Pale flowers wreathe upon thy brow,
  The rose bends over thee.
Only the morning sun hath leave
  To turn thy waves to light,
Cool shade the willow branches weave
  When noon...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Infanticide in Madagascar

A luxury of summer green
Is on the southern plain,
And water-flags, with dewy screen,
Protect the ripening grain.
Upon the sky is not a cloud
To mar the golden glow,
Only the palm-tree is allowed
To fling its shade...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 12 Ending

 A dearer welcome far remains,
 Than that of Delhi’s crowded plains;
 Soon Murad seeks the shadowy hall,
 Cool with the fountain's languid fall;
 His own, his best beloved to meet.
 Why kneels Nadira at his feet?
 With flushing cheek, and eager...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 11

And you will follow at his...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 9 and 10

Days pass, yet still Zilara’s song
_ Beguiled the regal beauty’s hours
As the wind bears some bird along
_ Over the haunted orange bowers.
’Twas as till then she had not known
How much her heart had for its own;
And Murad’s image seemed more...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 8 Notes to Kishen Kower

* KISHEN KOWER.--The history of Kishen Kower is of a later period than, properly speaking, belongs to my story. I trust the anachronism will be its own excuse. Without entering into the many intrigues to which she was sacrificed, it is only needful...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 8 Kishen Kower

Bold as the falcon that faces the sun,
Wild as the streams when in torrents they run,
Fierce as the flame when the jungle’s on fire,
Are the chieftains who call on the day-star as Sire.
Since the Moghuls were driven from stately Mandoo,[Jumna...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 7

Deep silence chained the listeners round,
When, lo, another plaintive sound,
Came from the river’s side, and there
They saw a girl with loosened hair
Seat her beneath a peepul tree,
Where swung her gurrah * mournfully,
Filled with the cool and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 6 The Raki

The song was o’er, but yet the strings
Made melancholy murmurings;
She wandered on from air to air,
Changeful as fancies when they bear
The impress of the various thought,
From memory’s twilight caverns brought.
At length, one wild, peculiar chime...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Deaf Schoolmaster

He cannot hear the skylark sing,
The music of the wild bee’s wing;
The murmur of the plaining bough ;
A gentle whisper fairy low;
The noise of falling waters near—
All these have left his mournful ear.
A sad, sad silence, whose worst power
Is felt...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 4 and 5

The voice has ceased, the chords are mute,
The singer droops upon her lute;
But, oh, the fulness of each tone
Straight to Nadira’s heart hath gone—-
As if that mournful song revealed
Depths in that heart till then concealed,
A world of melancholy...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 3

_ Again, again Murad must wield
His scimetar in battle-field:
And must he leave his lonely flower
To pine in solitary bower?
Has power no aid has wealth no charm,
The weight of absence to disarm?
_    Alas! she will not touch her lute—

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Zenana - 2

City of glories now no more,
His camp extends by Bejapore,(Bejapore)
Where the Mahratta’s haughty race (The Taj Bowlee)
Has won the Moslem conqueror’s place;
A bolder prince now fills the throne,
And he will struggle for his own.
“And yet,” he...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Mont Blanc

Heaven knows our travellers have sufficiently alloyed
the beautiful, and profaned the sublime, by associating these with themselves, the common-place, and the ridiculous ; but out upon them, thus to tread on the grey hairs of centuries,—on the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Lady, thy face is very beautiful

Lady, thy face is very beautiful,
A calm and stately beauty: thy dark hair
Hangs as the passing winds paid homage there;
And gems, such gems as only princes cull
From earth's rich veins, are round thy neck and arm;
Ivory, with just one touch of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
No More

Dream no more of that sweet time
When the heart and cheek were young ;
Dream no more of that sweet time
Ere the veil from life was flung.
Yet the cheek retains the rose
Which its beauty had of yore,
But the bloom upon the heart
Is no...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Village Bells

How soft the music of those village bells,
Falling, at intervals, upon the ear
In cadence sweet, — now dying all away,
Now pealing loud again, and louder still,
Clear and sonorous, as the gale comes on !
With easy force it opens all the cells ...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

We do not know how much we love,
  Until we come to leave ;
An aged tree, a common flower,
  Are things o'er which we grieve.
There is a pleasure in the pain
That brings us back the past...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

How sweet on the breeze of the evening swells
The vesper call of those soothing bells,
Borne softly and dying in echoes away,
Like a requiem sung to the parting day.
Wandered from roses the air is like balm,
The wave like the sleep of an infant...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Departed

And thus they flit away
Earth's lovely...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Upper Lake of Killarney

Why doth the maiden turn away
From voice so sweet, and words so dear ?
Why doth the maiden turn away
When love and flattery woo her ear ?
And rarely that enchanted twain
Whisper in woman's ear in vain.
Why doth the maiden leave the hall ?
No face is...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Love's Followers

There was an evil in Pandora's box
Beyond all other ones, yet it came forth
In guise so lovely, that men crowded round
And sought it as the dearest of all treasure.
Then were they stung with madness and despair:
High minds were bowed in abject...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Taj-Mahal, at Agra - The Tomb of Muntaza Zemani

"Aye, build it on these banks," the monarch said,
"That when the autumn winds have swept the sea,
They may come hither with their falling rains,
A voice of mighty weeping o'er her...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Gathering of the Chieftains at Beteddein - The Palace of the Prince of the Druses

THEY come from the mountains, in thousands they come—
There breatheth no trumpet, there beateth no drum:
They march in such silence as suiteth the dead,
Their herald the thunder that echoes their...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Interior of a Moorish Palace

Hamooda holds a feast to-night —
Fill ye the lamps with fragrant light ;
Burn, in the twilight's dewy time,
The mastic, rosemary, and thyme;
And scatter round the festal chamber
Oils from the rose, the musk, the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Banner of Five Byzants

St. George for merrie England !
Fling our banner to the breeze ;
That flag is borne to sweep the shore,
As it has swept the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Sword

'Twas the battle-field, and the cold pale moon 
      Look'd down on the dead and dying,
And the wind pass'd o'er, with a dirge and a wail, 
      Where the young and the brave were...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Love's Happiness

There are a thousand fanciful things
Link'd round the young heart's imaginings.
In its first love-dream, a leaf or a flower,
Is gifted then with a spell and a power ;
A shade is an omen, a dream is a sign,
From which the maiden can well divine ...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Song - I wrote my name upon the sand;

I wrote my name upon the sand;
  I thought I wrote it on thine heart.
I had no touch of fear, that words,
  Such words, so graven, could...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Raphael's Death Bed

How can the grave be terrible to those
Whose spirits walk the earth, even after death,
And have an influence on humanity,
In their undying...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Criminal

His hand is red with blood, and life, aye, life
Must pay the forfeiture of his dark sin.

Ah ! woman's love is a night-scented flower,
Which yieldeth its most precious perfume forth
'Mid darkness and 'mid...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Age and Youth

"I tell thee," said the old man, "what is life.
A gulf of troubled waters — where the soul,
Like a vexed bark, is tossed upon the waves,
Of pain and pleasure, by the wavering breath
Of passions. They are winds that drive it on,
But only to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Prince Ahmed and the Fairy

A Sketch from the Arabian...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Legacy

There, 'mid the many vanities of youth,
The picture lay ; I knew her gentle face ;
The eyes recalled the likeness, though the bloom
Of the sweet season which the portrait wore,
Had long been past...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Thessalian Fountain

Gleamings of poetry,--if I may give
  That name of beauty, passion, and of grace,
  To the wild thoughts that in a starlit hour,
  In a pale twilight, or a rose-bud morn,
  Glance o'er my spirit--thoughts that are like light,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Scene in Kattiawar

I Have a steed, to leave behind
The wild bird, and the wilder wind :
I have a sword, which does not know
How to waste a second blow :
I have a matchlock, whose red breath
Bears the lightning's sudden death ;
I have a foot of fiery flight,
I have an...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire (1571)

The old mayor climbed the belfry tower,
The ringers ran by two, by three;
'Pull, if ye never pulled before;
Good ringers, pull your best,' quoth he
'Play uppe, play uppe, O Boston bells!
Ply all your changes, all your swells,
Play uppe 'The...

by Jean Ingelow

added 8 years ago
Pile of Fouldrey Castle, Lancashire

No memory of its former state,
No record of its fame,
A broken wall, a fallen tower,
A half-forgotten name;
A gloomy shadow on the wave,
And silence deep as in the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Fairy of the Fountains - Part II - continued

Gazing on one worshipped brow,
When hath lover spared a vow?
With an oath and with a prayer
Did he win the prize he sought.
Never was a bride so fair
As the bride that Raymond brought
From the wood's enchanted bowers
To his old ancestral towers....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Fairy of the Fountains - Part I - continued

Easy 'tis advice to give,
    Hard it is advice to take
Years that lived--and years to live,
    Wide and weary difference make.
To that elder ladye's mood,
Suited silent solitude:
For her lorn heart's wasted soil
Now repaid not hope's sweet toil....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

There is in life no blessing like affection:
It soothes, it hallows, elevates, subdues,
And bringeth down to earth its native heaven.
It sits besides the cradle patient hours,
Whose sole contentment is to watch and love;
It bendeth o'er the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Mermaid

When, at last, they retired to rest, Ajut went down to the beach, where finding a fishing-boat, she entered it without hesitation, and, telling those, who wondered at her rashness, that she was going in search of Anningait, rowed away, with great...

by Anne Bannerman

added 8 years ago
The Princess Victoria - And art thou a Princess?

And art thou a Princess?—in sooth, we may well
Go back to the days of the sign and the spell,
When a young queen sat on an ivory throne
In a shining hall, whose windows shone
With colours its crystals caught from the sky,
Or the roof which a...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Fairy of the Fountains - Part II

By a lovely river's side,
Where the water-lilies glide,
Pale, as if with constant care
Of the treasures which they bear;
For those ivory vases hold
Each a sunny gilt of gold.
And blue flowers on the banks,
Grow in wild and drooping ranks,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

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Who wrote the poem "Ozymandias"?
A Rainer Maria Rilke
B Percy Bysshe Shelley
C Rudyard Kipling
D William Wordsworth