Amal_k's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by amal_k  —  There are currently 131 poems total — keep up the great work!

Open Up

I know thou set time for everyone on this planet,
In that event I shall not allocate
my time extent in only chanting thine verselet.

Instead I shall work round the clock
taking thine chant in my heart throb.

Would thou be so kind to confer...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 1 day ago
Song of Courage

Play this song again and again
The song that is when tuned
takes me to the days of my outright courage.

Hey; when my mind comes to stop
And forgets this tune if anyway,
Let bring this tune in the vehicle of the faraway wind and play and...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 days ago
The Silent Language Of God

Thou would draw our intimate words with sunbeam ink and bough paint brush on the yard,
I would read it by my mind art.

There was all along a navigation through my heart, the navigation of the winning dart.

There remained always a spread of...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 days ago
An Ascending Mind

When thou threw the teenage boy out of the home, how easily he accepted
From the street to whatnot
is his home-like, anything odd he minded not.

When thou had the teen thown to the dire picture,
there was no shelter
there was no food- fare,...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 days ago
As Like As Not

Had thou not grinded thus and so into the sand dust,
thou as like as not
would not have begot
a puppet of thy playpot.

Now it is thine desire
Whether thou will blow this dust in the air
Else wil thou keep this sand spread out along the...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 8 days ago
I See Some Strange

Thou thread me into saying many a diction,
But it is still not seen that thou cast me into doing any action.

The talks that thou convened in my mind plane,
Nothing of it today works from thine end,
Neither thou say anything even
Nor dost...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 9 days ago
The Song Is Again Tuned

The wind is blowing today just as earlier
And to me it is very familiar.
The song is again tuned in the rapidness of the youth whom I saw earlier.

In the planet I see the power
The sun is seated on my heart master
I have sat to again...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 12 days ago
A different Note

This is not that wave
This is not that song
The song that the sky smiles within
The wave that the victory flows in.

Today has come after a long
Today has come with the note for it's won song.
But the song that thou art singing
is not in...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 17 days ago
There Hides a Key

When finality comes with the fair walkover,
It leaves no scope for the defeat to chase after.
When I ask thee
how to rally
And where hides the Key,
Thou stay on stonelike and look lively
such as to planning for the totality.

So I get it,...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 18 days ago
How come thou art silent today !

In this day of victory festival, thou art sitting silent with no answer,
Thou know that this silence makes the daylight dimmer.
About whether dost thou feel guilty as thou gave me the bum steer,
Rather tell me everything clear
whether thou...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 22 days ago
Head Held High

The branches have been broken by the repeated cyclonic burster,
The tree is still standing with it's head held high in the air.
The second it feels missing, right after
it comes up with an unstoppable stir,
And shouts how come the law vanishes...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 22 days ago
The Truth Reveals All Plane

In what tune of freedom the exclamation drums,
Many a word of joy revolves around many a world in acuity,
Many a memory revolves around many a creation in authority,
And they all enclose my conscience in obscurity.

By what pull of love in...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 24 days ago
I hear the voice of the globe

Of the love that I sing the song all along
By the love that I thread thy song
For the love that I prolong all song.

I sing the song of love
without falling in love,
I hear the voice of the globe
that soars above.
Let me find, Let me find

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 1 month ago
Sometimes It Happens

Sometimes it brings to light
All around becomes daylight,
Sometimes it brings to light
My mind is filled with delight,
Sometimes it brings to light
Other world comes to my sight.

Sometimes it hits my pondering
How to remove all...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 1 month ago
How far lies my goal !

Like a straw in cyclone I fly
As it makes me fly, so do I fly.
As what comes to my mind, so do I write,
I am the shoot of the desperate fight.

Like a straw in cyclone I fly
I fly up to the sky,
Where I listen the whispering of planet

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 1 month ago
Enlightened Fire

There is an enlightened fire
now is floating on the shoreless river,
This fire mind is exalted and jump into the air
Whenever it sees any unjust lies anywhere.

Hey Lord; thou art thee who alone knows the nature,
And thou know this mind...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 1 month ago
People Everywhere Is My Kin

Do not try to let me catch up in your own cage in the name of the kinship vein,
Your effort will then end up with vain.

I walk around the free sky
I fly, Hey; I fly
to see everyone in a loving tie.

What spread of kinship I die for...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 1 month ago
Let me see instead

Put all random talk aside
Let me see instead
how far have I walked the road,
I wonder the entire path lies ahead
and extends to far and wide.

The patience is now mere a weapon
As if the sky of Chaitra stays for the cyclone.

No matter...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Reach Out

My mind is restless in a room,
As there are many a event all around.
Some people are out there,
They seem will go somewhere.
The sand dunes in the bank of the river
are twinkling in the sun glare,
The calves are rushing to and fro and playing...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago

Unknown is this spacecraft jet,
This was supposed to move round all the orbits, all around the planets.
This might be the cause why thou art fueling it for a time without any set,
As yet nothing was known of why it is left unattended,

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago

When thou stirred my soul, there would have come that daylight,
all divine-star would have got together with joyous life in a glaring delight.
Thou wert then enclosing me for many a way that was mine majestic sight.
Hey; I know, I know in that...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Only thou could know

As if I were a stone segment, rolling with the stream, Where it will stop, where it will reach, thou only know.
Where, when and how thou will take me with time, where there is a godsend crept in, where there is a ruin hideaway, only thou know.

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
That takes my heart away

I get not so much wile,
all around is where motile.
Thou only commandest my mind, only thou; Hey.
I have let my mind open today,
Let her write poem in her way,
Hey, I shall look not for any word on my own today,
What thou will bring in my...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago

The stars that were there startling countless in number, pervading the mind river. Thou took them aside one by one- at thine pleasure.
When the mind was wrought an all-losing star – like a discoloured roofing by far, then my bewildered mind called...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Keep with me in your attempt

Work in every hand
Food in every stomach,
Roof over every head,
When I ponder, this requiring task is done not as yet, my poetry feels not integrate.
Science, economics and every subject have their achievement, They question today desperate,

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

 1 View
added 2 months ago
Strayed in Zero Thought

For a long my mind is strayed in thought and trapped at somewhere in nought,
Tiredness has therefore risen to the height Body cells are now lying dishevelled to relax their fatigue,
Ripples of mind have gone lost in the wakeful stream of mirth,...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
If it were

Had that very flower bloomed that had not bloomed ever,
Had it sprinkled the fragrance in all and all over.
Had there been such a drift of garland wreathed in words that could touch my heart up and could merge with joyful stream where lies no...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Cosmic Arrival

When I am driven by the depth
The depth that I behold
I find not anything on my hold.

In order to make thine presence come up
I go for chanting with the uplifting tune played in the harp,
Yes! This does work,
Thee presence where thou art...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Lost Memory

The affection that blooms by itself
and is snowy white like an ever whiteness,
It is like bloomed in the land of the fairy tales
in a broad daylight of huge brightness.

There was a time once
When I got not it's essence,
My mind is now...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago

Let thou take me to the shoreless radiance
Let it drift through my heart and thence
to everywhere crossing every fence.

Let the love extend high to the sky
where the sun, the moon and all plane
rejoice together to ply,
In that stream of...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
How come

How come I let it go?
For all the way I overlook, it comes either in the glow or it often comes through the breeze,
It reminds me the far reaching promise.

While in the drowsiness when I close my eyes it again comes liting the lamp with the...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

 1 View
added 2 months ago
Many a tune

Hey ! I beg thee,
unfold the truth before me.
What depth of mystery is the life seated in
What miracle of love is it wreathed in,
Why are there many a vibes,
many a tune all along tides.
I beseech to thee
Let thou lead us to the path of that...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

 1 View
added 2 months ago
The Excellence

When big all trees were crumbling down in that stormy day with thunder,
When many a particle of danger were spreading random fear
in that hostile weather,
thou took me on thine lap and covered me with thine loin-cloth to protect me from that...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

 1 View
added 2 months ago
This does not mean that

The transcript of my beginning is yet not intiated,
So the question of giving up is supposed not to arise.

The transcript of the initiation is yet not known,
So the question of conclusion makes not sense.

My sleep is not yet over,
So the...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

 1 View
added 2 months ago
Sleeping The Sleep That Knoows No Breaking

Many a play thou play with me
Through many a way thou tell a many,
Many a vibration is brought to my soul
Many an echo of the depth is sounded to my toll,
All these takes me to the sleep that knows no breaking, no hindrance
and thence to...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago

I surge the tune
I give rise to the wave amplifying the wings,
When the wing breakes down
I sink in the deep ocean.
Again I rise and surge the tune
I cross the river, the ocean, the horizon
I play with the mountain on sprinkling the water.

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
I beg thee

Oh! I beg thee, sing that song
All day long
I shall sit and listen.

Perhaps thou hast said everything in the path of the songful conveying feat,
Likely thou hast said in the lyrical beat
where lies the nought from the beat to the beat; I...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Looking Forward

My little knowledge breakes down
after traveling an extent,
When I seek to follow thine glory
I fail badly.

Today I surrender myself to thine feet
and question why hast thou let me sit up for
though time has travelled a long path.

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
The Reach of Love

The love can cross the planet to planet
and can nevigate to any astral plane,
the plane that comes in of my dream trance.

In my heart thereupon I feel love that abides in my mind river,
And touches where the sky cross over.

Hence my mind...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Walking on the road

Hey! I shall talk with you later,
Today the dream pervades my mind
and I am like in a slammer.

In the hang-up of the dreamy path
I walk on the road
along with the people on this earth,
As if on this planet there is no dearth,
no hunger,...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
What reflects this inmost layer

I wonder
what reflects this inmost layer
wreathed in love and does waver
amidst the soul with the feelings aware
in the merging free sphere.

In the quest of joy
there is journey forever
and finds the love ever
out of union with the holy...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Voyage of My Mind

I have been sitting untaken
holding the globe within my heart in pain
for those who are left forsaken
in the outlying region.

My mind runs into hanker,
beholds the northern far to the southern far
and travels the earth all over
in the...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
On The Way

The wave is on the way
and all stocked rubbish will be washed away.

Neither there is any confusion
nor is there any contrast of opinion
that there will stay not any deposition
what occurs during any time depression.

When the day is...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Deep Message

I question in whisper
Where hast thou let that message cover,
What note comes through what depth of resonance with the ageless vibrance !

The vibrancy of the mango leaves in a majestic cradle of wind, in some branch painted in the sun and with...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
When Mind Lands On The Total Rest

When my mind happens to come in total rest,
The restful state of the space lands on my arrest.

When my devotion links to the admiration of this calmness in demeanor,
She becomes touched and lays bare
that like her,
Countless universe are...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Strange Diction

Whlist sitting aloof in obscurity
I mingle in the spread of the timeless nullity,
When the diction is held on my deep quest in proximity with the mind faculty,
I intuit the deep drama of continuity.

When everything gets merged and...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Driven Unaware

The harp is tuned in the Bhairavi raga
and the Mridango plays to the beat of this aria
That blows my mind In an astral saga.

The wind sways on the wings of the flying bird
and touches gently my heart.

There are playgrounds near and far,

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
What If Thus And So Goes On

I wonder in what dream am I used to fall asleep and in what dream am I sleeping
in the midst of where lies this world !

I see the road as if leads to far and far
and expands to where lies no boarder.

I fear what if the sitters of every...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Known Not

Known not how long I don’t rejoice ,
I am, therefore, rejoicing today
all day long.

Known not how long I do not sleep,
I am, therefore, sleeping today
all day long.

Known not how long I do not sing
I am, therefore, singing today

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Dreaming in Intuition

My thought now dreams in intuition
and hardly responds on occasion,
For all the effort I make for it to waken
I get not response since then.

What call will it react to
And when will it get up,
all are up in the air
I wonder when will the...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago
Selfhood in Omen

Oftentimes I write my account in omen
to my yen,
I fear lest I forget my existence
on any pain,
What change runs with time
overlays my selfhood often.

Upon losing the truth of the knowledge every now and then,
my mind faces departure from...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 2 months ago

Because of rotation
the mind axis has undergone all confusion ,
Everything has long been dizzy
in the mind of science community
being overriden by the storm of
invariance, covariance and symmetricity.

I see on surprise I am seated exactly...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Let them stay on their choice

Let spin who urge to be in spin tangle
If urged let them go around in a trap channel,

Indeed everything is on par
Past, present and future,

In rotation day and night gets going
And that rotation we are in,

About if is time created

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Held Up in High

I am held up without a break
opening the door of quest,
The love drifts through my heart in wave
from the the earth to the cosmos,
And amidst the ocean the tide springs up in chorus.

The way the soar is seated on the shooting star,

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Resting on the White Chariot

To an onset of love that thou
takest me over and over,
I dream of resting on the chariot of white eider,
and comes with the genre in the arty river.

The alphabetical verse rhymes in cohere
like a child is in the joy of spotting going on...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Let Me Behold

Let me behold the entire
in a flutter,
For all my glance I cast
I wish to see entire mankind together.
Let not anyone be deprived
in a mess of any disorder.

Let me behold how the groves,
the ocean, the seas, the river,
the earth to...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Floating in the Middle of My Venture

I float in the air
and am seated upon there
in the middle of my venture.

The spread that comes up
and blows my mind river,
The glare that comes in wonder
in the flash of lightning
and goes off thereafter,
It leaves behind no answer

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
The Tale Of the Heart

The tale that drifts from the heart to heart midst,
and is etched on the snow cliff
by a dew drip.

A fairy tale of life dreams
that the people would be adorned with gift
at the end of the day feat
in the joy of being asleep.

I hear...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago

The golden shinings dances in waver
pervading the entire
in the sky, in the air
and leaves a touching stir
on my heart ever.

This streams up a tune that
takes my heart and soul
to the shoreless hereafter
where mere a daylight does...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
When Every Face Will Shine

When no one won't be needing other's pity
for the life to live with integrity,
When no one won't be in abject shillyshally
that who will else show charity
for the life to live with equality,
When no moral being won't be fragmented in the prey...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
What About Thou Would Come Awhile?

I am sitting with a naive thrill
what about thou would come awhile
putting apart the greatness of thine laurel,
I sing to my mind this trill.

Should thou grant not thine display
in the direct way,
If possible, appear in the divine dream in...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
There Is a Way

Of the time there is no stir,
The tasks are left bare ,
So, Wait and watch is not proper
any longer ,
Setting out to the street is a single router,
and is mere an option provider.

About whether does some perk occur
that question comes...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Bud Of Love

I thusly hold the bud of love with my mind,
In the tune of song, the tune let play in all mind,
Let youthful be the chest
in the desperate love of brave.

In my hands with joyful love I am standing with colorful garland
in order for...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Where the trek is open

Where the past is brace free
Where the present is set free
Where the depletion is removed tidily
Where the trek of origin is done aptly.
The synergic prowess of the rising sun
will build the union
in the astral hall of the huge nation.

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Astral Sleep

Strange sleep in a childlike mind sway
and is drifted into the daze in the pull of astral play.

Thereafter countless a rotation has occurred but the particles are still in same swing for the span of time known no way,
The helpless clock time...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Of That Day

Of that day this tale is
Of the morning song was sung in procession,
That woked up my soul vibration
whlist my sleep amidst the oblivion.

My mind knew no anxiety, no possession, no dispossession,
It was open all out and
all out in the...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Engrossed in Sleep

When I become engrossed in sleep
vicinity turns up light,
My memory drifts into the dreamy stream of note and is tuned in my unthinking awareness,
Of that I cannot make any guess.

Many a memory does it have in many a dream of belief,

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
How Do I Reach Thee

In the tune that thou rise in my mind,
By the tune that thou awaken mine,
By the tune that thou enliven the life,
In the poetry that thou art seated,
Of the love that thou sing the song,
On the stream that thou art always in ecstasy,
How do...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Many a People

Today I shall not have my meal
I shall wait until ,

Today I shall waive my shelter
Rather I shall be standing somewhere,

Today I shall not go to school
Until every children is noticed in full,

Many a palace is left languid
Many a...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Of the Morning Song in Procession

We have broken our earth into black and white,
We are overtaken by the territorial conflicts and fight,
We are separate among ourselves
in the name of cast and creed,
We thereby dishonour our own genesic seat,
and has lost soil from beneath...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago

Today why I lost myself askance,
Where I went lost, I can't sketch,
My mind guesses
that a big event is proximate
But I can't access.
Which realm sways
and call me in a strange
As if I know that range since many ages.
It says in private ...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Sea Change on the Cards

Today thought has gone missing,
No thought is seen in my way of thinking,
The nature is perhaps showing
that a sea change is ongoing
And gives a jerk to my leaning.

I can't make anything out of it
As if I have been trapped in a pit.

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago

For all high value we put in the riches and opulance,
It goes to the other hand when
we are not in existence.

If life is merely spent in gathering this fragile riches apart from the necessity,
what would be the leftover for the futirity

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Joy Festival Seated in My Mind

How dost thou bewitch me,
Thou hold the joy festival in my mind and hold time and again,
putting apart all material plane.
Such a way do I think in such a way of my acumen,
I have not found it's gen
what real essence does it enlighten.


by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Sky In Love

The light particle dances with wavelet,
While the water rolls down the cheeks of the moon in droplet,
The moon is thus depicted in this showy ornament.

In the pull of this love the sun dresses up with
the divine form of Impersonal trait,

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
In the Tune of My Mind

I sing song in thy praise
in the tune of mind
with my grating voice
offering my whole being.

When the 'Bhairavi' music is played
in thy fame, the life wakes up in all
being and non being,
and I get engrossed in my forehead merging

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
In the Search of My True Being

People who are destitute and sit
by the road and here and there,
Countless a day they got not
even a small dinner,
I went not to them
taking two steps further,
I listened not two words
from their mouth so far,
Such is the way I lose my...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 3 months ago
Illusory Faction

This is sure to the illusory faction
Temptation is not the right weapon
in order for them to overcast the sun.

It is famed to everyone
When the sun gets overrun
and loses all alertness on the material fun,
They wait in vein for this turn....

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Unknown Is the Truth

How hast thou today filled up my soul
with all unknown ,
In-all of these took me to the truth
that could not be known,
Only the little could be drawn.

This unknown institutes of no limit
and begets a staying insight
It wants not itself...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Nothing Is Mine

What dost thou get me write
This is not my merit.

What dost thou get me tell on science
I am not aware likewise.

Nothing belongs to me
I shall hence take not anything for me.

I am taking everything instead
from this planet,
I have...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Cosmic Time

The rotation of the planet I count not on,
I have merely counted down
how many rotations within my inside have laid on.

Man made clock unconsciously goes on
Even if the planet stops rotation
It thus denies it's own formation
So is this...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Glory Ever Felt

Enticing me away from my stroll to a place
Thou had given me the right trace
Thou took me to a place
that was silently sitting within my pursuit race.

A row of lighted lamps came in my sight from a little afar,
I went ahead stepwise manner,

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
In the Sky of the East

About whether dost thou thunder the cloud
Or thou dost blow the conch
in the sky of the east !
I hear the echo of victory instead.

In the very morning
Drizzling rain was posing akin to fireworks airing

 wherein thou kindled the lamp...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Held Pursuit

I fear the most the Lest
I consider me a poet,
Owing to naivete
after I write an artless verselet,
Rather I consider me an amateur instead.

I fear the most the Lest
I consider me physicist a great,
Owing to naivete
after I write a...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
The Note That comes Up

The note that comes up in my heart
I search diehard the song of that.
The world I dream in my mind
I long to see that all around.

The trees with golden yellow leaves are seen
standing on the road side either,
Where this road ends not...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
My Zeal With the Life

Life comes with a right
Life is for possessing Life
Let all desease be trapped into exile
Hey almighty!
To thee this is my appeal
Let not anyone fall ill.

The earth is so greater
It promises us with shelter
Homeless thereby should not be...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago

Let thy creation drift through me
to reach out the love that connects with thee,
Let me reach out the very love that binds me with the dreamland of mere beauty.

Let me reach out the very love that tells me
the thousands of my birth,
Let me...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Let the beauty of your eyes extend over

If any house is left discoloured appear,
If any house holds not surface beauty altogether,
If any house is broken to the entire,
If any house walks very dissimilar,
Do no look at them in the eyes of your hate ever.

Let the beauty of your...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Crisis and Rise

A pending thou always leave behind,
A crisis thou always set aside,
For thou seem will bring a new word in thine creation.
Might be thou will to enrich the notion
in a new fashion
And will present before everyone.

Crisis and rise has thus...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Joy is thine manifestation

When joy comes,
my heart is drwan fast to thee,
This strikes that thou seem art calling me.

I can feel thine diction
I can feel thine expression
I know now
Joy is thine manifestion.

When I rush to thee
When thou pull me close to thee

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
I shall run on my contest

Whether or not my diligence does capacitate
Whether or not my might does warrant
Event must manifest
Should thou put thine signet.

This fact does reflect
We are merely on object
Thou art the highest ultimate.

This truth gives me the...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Let the harp play

Known not how long I am dead beat,
The billow of the fire drifts in the heart underneath enclosing the bust of the youthful chest.

Let the harp play today
with the beats of the music
in the form of the fire harp.

Let the spunk of this fire...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Fearing Lest I Miss Out

I beset with an empty merit distance myself and behold from afar,
That the fair of grand talent exhibits on crowdy stage regular,
I sit aloof and wreathe with the words,
I fear lest I miss out --
the words that comes in my heart.

When my...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago

What can be sighted
What can be spotted
What can be comprehended
I have urge for all these to be attended.

What can't be sighted
What can't be spotted
What can't be comprehended
Therefrom my all motive is originated
Therefrom my all...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago

A star has strayed away from it's orbit,
This strayed star now struggles to find the new exit,
It always wanders in a different exhibit
taking a synergy of shiny heart beat
in order to bag a timeless feat.

Being engrossed in an unstoppable...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
Song of my mind

Should thou let me write, I can write.
Should thou let me fight, I can fight.

Should thou let me eye, I can eye.
Should thou let me stand by, I can stand by.

Should thou let me ponder, I can ponder.
Should thou let me inquire, I can...

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 4 months ago
How come my heart streams into nowhere

How come this empty mind is filled up today ,
on being filled with the far bearing ocean that streams into the sky way.

Yah! Who hast filled up this mind river of the naive with a rhythmic mirth that I dance and only I dance.
Hey, my words...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
Whew! My Inquisition

No matter how long dost thou appear not before me,
No matter how long dost thou respond not to me,
Still the more frequent I shall call on thee.

Whew! I exclaim with an Inquisition about whether thou respond probably to everyone's chanting,

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
If I were the Fixit

None at present escorts with me ,
In this interim I think sitting alone with me
and solicit,
If I were the Fixit.

I make home to my mind implicit
For them who are left overlooked
And pass days on the street
being helpless in the winter...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
Finding Thee Words to Say Out

Dost thou come after joy does come,
Or? Does joy come after thous dost come,
Once it strikes my mindland
that thou art thee joy that in thine presence All-in does come.
Hey lord; when I find not the words to say out thine plume,
I pour all...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
Does My Poetry Make Any Sense Either?

Kindness incarnate like a pilgrim's crow I write a few words sitting in a silent corner,
Where billions of people go to bed every night with hunger,
Does my poetry make any sense either?

An inert like a Husking Pedal incarnate I am present...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
Where the mind bridges

Let me say to thee,
This day I by myself burn not any more,
The fire can't even burn me.

All-opposite has happened to be intertwined with, All-in has merged into one within,
The fire consequently floats on my mind,
My mind has thus been...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
The song will stop not

I hold guts over the battle even after the end of a final battle,
I can make it after a frantic fail,
No matter how desperate does the landslide hail.

I can sing the youthful song ever whlist the toughest necessitous runs by,
Let thou just...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
There finds a run

I see a miracle message in that run,
There finds some children in the sun,
They run with books in their hands and rush to the school with a face full of fun.

They are deprived of everything
Their family has not any means of living,

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
Mirthful Fiction

The words of the heart drifts through
the heart to heart,
The snow is depicted with a dew dust,
Oh, this bears a longed saga that
someday the people will be adorned with
a mirthful grant.

At the end of the daily work, the divine voice...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
Maha Astami Puja

Let the harp be played
In as many tunes as there are in a mind,
picking up all along and takes to crossing over the end line.

Let me behold all that acts in,
Let me feel as many beams as there are in thine reign.

Let everything be aglow...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
15th August

An offspring mind wanders along the path of the vastic glebe,

 It is obscure of fear,

 It finds horizon not so far,
It wants every height to cross over.
In the upbeat of unwavering faith It longs to bring the heaven on this planet, in an easy go...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago

Thou hast given me today-
the words to say out my heart,
My heart is captured with gratitude
and is offered to thine lotus feet.

Hey Lord; without the mercy of thine
I can't will what I will to assign,
Keep me under thy very care
For as...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
When mind becomes the king to herself

Which host not the shore --
the wave of that very love when drifted through the mind-roar,
She thinks beyond sense,
knowing not her own range.

She builds her own world
and becomes the king to herself.

She reaches out to the people

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
Let thine glory be questioned not

Star,planet and all presence -
are bound in space,
We are also enclosed by our functional race.

When every presence merges with nothingness,
Time stands out still to endless,
We also spin hand in hand within
and so does our clock spin....

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 5 months ago
Let wake up

The deeper I break,
The deeper I thread,
The greater I get,
The more is my infatuation glided.
I have cleared my mind today from all my infatuated design,
I have anointed my mind with the name of thine,
Only sun-moon joint with all star...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
Unknown is this spacecraft

Unknown is this spacecraft jet,
that was supposed to move round all the orbits, all around the planets.
This might be the cause why thou art feeding fuel for a time without any set,
It is known not even today why it is left unattended,

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
Oracle of Thine

When my mind shines in countless star,
the wave glorified in thy song spreads out all over,
and leaves thee signet imprinted for ever.
Such is the surge that hast my mind taken with thine to fly,
Thou takest me on a stroll to my mind sky,

by Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
That takes my heart away

I get not so much wile,
all around that is motile.
Thou only commandest my mind, only thou; Hey.
I have let my mind today,
Let her write poem in her way,
Hey, I shall not look for any word on my own today,
What thou will bring in my mind, ...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
Thou alone could know

I am like a stone segment, gyrating in the stream, where it will stop, where it will reach, thou alone know.
Where, when and how thou will take me with the time, where there is a godsend crept in, where there is a ruin hideaway, thou alone know. ...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
Seeking Thee Song

In the song that hast all the words of happiness,
In the song that hast all the words of gladness,
In the song that hast thee parlance
wherein I could tell the joy of entireness.
Hey, in the melody that hast the very accent of all notes...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Who-d'ye knows

Who - d'ye knows, when a dew drop passes out of the view,
And how does the sigh of snake creep in the skew.
Light wipes out the darkness, none the less the earth is ruined by the fire laced with the lust.
Even so nothing stops, there is...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
With Unending Dream in Cheer

A breeze of joy fluxes into the air,
The free sky flares all over,
And takes my heart far from far.
Influx of countless tales thereby indexes in my mind river,
Hey, I shall tell all the tales
On the festive day when we shall come together.

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
Space-time conversation

The stars that were there startling countless in number, pervading the mind river. Thou took them aside one by one- at thine pleasure.
When the mind was wrought an all-losing star - like a discoloured roofing by far, Looking to thee the...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago

As many times as my eyes blink, at every blink in an instant, I beseech to glance this earth with her entirety.
I wish to espy the entire mankind and every nation,
Where there is no deprivation,
in a mess of any oppression.
I beseech to see...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
With an Unending Dream in Cheer

A breeze of joy fluxes into the air,
The free sky flares all over,
And takes my heart far from far.
Influx of countless tales thereby indexes in my mind river,
Hey, I shall tell all the tales
On the festive day when we shall come together.

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
Who-d'ye knows

Who - d'ye knows, when a dew drop passes out of the view,
And how does the sigh of snake creep in the skew.
Light wipes out the darkness, none the less the earth is ruined by the fire laced with the lust.
Even so nothing stops, there is...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
Seeking Thee Song

In the song that hast all the words of happiness,
In the song that hast all the words of gladness,
The song that hast the very parlance

 wherein I could tell the joy of entireness.
Hey, in the he melody that hast the very accent of all...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
Thou alone could know

I am like a stone segment, gyrating in the stream, where it will stop, where it will reach, thou alone know.
Where, when and how thou will take me with the time, where there is a godsend crept in, where there is a ruin hideaway, thou alone know.

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
That takes my heart away

I get not so much wile,
all around that is motile.
Thou only commandest my mind, only thou; Hey.
I have let my mind today,
Let her write poem in her way,
Hey, I shall not look for any word on my own today,
What thou will bring in my mind, ...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 6 months ago
Oracle of Thine

When my mind shines in countless star,
the wave glorified in thy song spreads out all over,
and leaves thy signet imprinted for ever.
Such is the surge that takes my mind with thine to fly,
Thou take me on a stroll to my mind sky,
and tell...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 7 months ago
That Daylight

When thou used to stir my soul,
there would have come that daylight,
And all divine-star would come together in a glaring delight.
Thou wert then enclosing me,
For many a countless births I know not, know not.
Hey; I can reminisce, I can...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 7 months ago
The way thou art with me

How dost thou whelm me and embark me the way thou willest.
How art thou steering me,
How art thou seated upon my heart and delude my whole memory ,
How dost thou weave thy passage within me,
I wonder where finds that words to tell thy glory.

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 7 months ago
The Fair of Love

Let the fair of love be seated everywhere on this planet,
I yearn to behold this fair in every onset.
Let the life dance open in the beauty of her mirth,
Let her set free to bloom flower even in the dirt.

In the mind that song was not sung...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 7 months ago

The flow of the tunes that rushes out of my heart, my mind sings in all these tunes,
in the string of harp all around.
My mind river flows with this marvellous wave and threads through the fairy land of heaven.
Hey, this land is not so far, not...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 7 months ago
Pleasure of thine

About whether thou art translocating my eye sight and putting this in the midst of my heart.
The less I see in my eyes today, the more I feel thy presence in my heart.
Hey lord, when my heart becomes speechless even for a point of time, I lose,...

by Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh

added 7 months ago

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