The Creation Of Mankind (Part 1)

The Creation Of Mankind (Part 1)
Author: Mark V. Markov

A process of creation
Challenges our minds at times
And sometimes it fills our soul vacuum
With so much relevance
Of thought preoccupation.

It reasons with the meanings
Of our own salvation
Therefore, if there was ever
Any doubt or any questions.

Such as if earth really is our mother
And about the creation of mankind
Or perhaps about the concepts
Of the souls salvation.

For sometimes there are many two way answers
To all those puzzling intriguing dilemmas
But first allow me to summarize
And at least to explain and try
First to some extent partially.

Because out of the earth's dust
Resulting of God's breath
Adam was made.
So, it's not exactly that Adam
Came out of the earth by himself

Like the earth had a womb
And actually, gave birth
Second answer of relevance
To that question

Is the fact that earth
Is not completely our mother
Because it too was created
By our Heavenly Father.

Remember that in the beginning
Earth was just an expanse
Created from the waters
Waters that were void, dark,
As the Spirit of God
Was hovering over the waters.

Until God spoke
And there was light
God spoke again
And there was night.
In the midst of the waters
Elohim created the two expanses.

By His words
Elohim created those two expanses.
Elohim created the first and second heavens
From one expanse.
And with His words,
Elohim created the earth mass, oceans, and seas
From the other expanse.

The beauty core
Of the whole universe
Was always the works
Of the Holy Trinity.

And finally, a little less than the angels
Yet in His image Elohim created Adam and Eve
So far eternally at that particular specific time

But it makes you think
Just for a second
And maybe even for a little while
That if getting the dust together
Is like earth giving birth to a body

Yet, in the written Holy Word
It only says that God took earths dust
And formed from it
The shape of Adam's body
After that He breathed into Adam's nostrils
The breath of life

Therefore, man is always a son of God
While a woman,
Since she was formed out of a man's rib
Sometimes in the Bible is called a daughter of man.
For example, as it is written
That the sons of God came in
Unto the daughters of man,
Yet that Bible verse also could refer to the fact
That those women were not believers in God.

So far from the dust
God formed Adam's body shell
Hence earth
Had played a role
And somewhat a part.

Then at last one can suppose
Earth had its own son
Named Adam
Made by a Holy God.

The name Adam
Is a Hebrew word Adamah
Which stands for ground.

Even though Adam
And his sons were always
Called the sons of God in the Bible
So, the first man was formed
Yet of course from the ground.

But without God forming his body
And without God's Holy breath
There would be no life
Left inside of that body shell
Or for that matter
Anywhere else around
Except for dust.
And even dust was created by God.
Therefore, by God,
A man named Adam

Was eternally formed
Through God's breath
He had become alive.

So, earth did not give the literal birth to Adam
But God with His own breath did
Yet the dust of the earth
Played a part of the process.

But only being a bare substance
As God made the formation of the body
And with God leading the creating process
Is how the formation of man was formed.

By God's creative force
It was made complete
God made it all come to life, yes indeed
So, there would be neither life
Nor the existence of earth mass,
Nor the formed body of man
And nor capacity of any life
Without Elohim our Creator.

Without God's breath
Without God's creating word
A life that is inside of us
Would've never came to be.
As God created
From the dust of this earth
The first man called Adam
Became unto, unto existence.

And from Adam's rib God created Eve.
So far immortal were the man and woman
With the tree of life
Being amidst in the Garden of Eden
Yet through the knowledge of good and evil
The sin of disobedience,
Death had entered
The life of Eve and Adam.

So, mankind needed a second Adam
To overcome all the evil
That was in this dark world
In the fallen nature of mankind.

And for that God needed more time
So more of evil would accumulate
And at the right moment of history
God sent His only Begotten Son
Being recreated as a human.

In the form of a baby
Through a woman's womb
To fulfill the ultimate task
To live among us
Until the proper age of the completion of the soul
And become the living sacrifice
For all the people's sins.
He was the Lamb of God
That was slain from the beginning of the world
That was being led to redeem
And He willingly laid His life for us.

So, it pleased God the Heavenly Father
To save us through His Son Jesus Christ
That He raised His Son back to life
And exalted His Son by giving
All authority to Him.

So, Jesus Christ had become man
And as He always was God
A perfect second Adam
In whom we now have hope.
Through Him
We have a promise of everlasting life.

Through Him as the second Adam
We become spiritually born again
So, as we live in this temporary mortal life
Yet when a time of death comes

As we still have to die
With our bodies going back into the ground
Going back into the dust
From where first Adam came from.

Even though we came
From our mother's womb
And not the ground,
Notice that we still
Go back into the ground.
That signifies the fact that once
The first Adam, a name derived from Adamah
Was formed from the ground.

He was formed by Elohim from the dust of the earth
Yet, since God's breath is immortal life
Our souls which are the life of our spirits
Don't die, they still exist,
And go into eternity

Some forever resting,
Waiting in paradise
For the new eternal bodies of the resurrection
Like that of Jesus Christ

While others are in hell
With endless suffering and torment, awaiting
To receive their eternal bodies of damnation
After the final day of judgment
Then from God an eternal separation.

So. the ground is the shell of Adam's body
As it came out to be
Yet, because of Adam's and Eve's sin
Their immortal bodies became mortal
Thus, they got disconnected from God spiritually
But not right away totally physically

For God is always pure and Holy
Yet our earthly parents through sin,
Knowing the knowledge of good and evil
Had become unclean
Therefore, they were driven out
From the Garden of Eden,
From the tree of life.

Lest they ate from the tree of life again
And became forever immortal
Trapped in being forever evil in their fallen nature
So, they were not gods
Like that of the Holy Trinity
But only human

Jesus Christ quoted the scripture
Which said I said you are gods
Meaning you were children of God
But you shall die like mere men

And now since evil
Had gained access into this world
Eventually the souls couldn't control
All their fallen desires within their hearts.

And therefore, along with the fallen angels,
Started to do evil by tearing everything apart.
More and more of evil started to show its way
And to rule in this fallen world.

But once again
Going back to the Adam's formation
The formation of the first man
As the Word of God says
Dust played a role
But there was no earth's womb.

Or similarity to a womb conception of any kind,
Except for God taking the dust out of the earth
Shaping from it a body and giving it breath
Thus, within Adam creating a soul and spirit,
A life to procreate with the woman helper Eve
From whom derived is all of mankind.

From the beginning of existence
Man was God's creation
In His unique image he was created
And only by God's wisdom
In the image of God
He was made
By God the Father and God the Son,
And the Holy Spirit.
God the Son, Who is the Eternal Word of God.

It seems to be
That while the Heavenly Father,
His only Begotten Son,
And the Holy Spirit created
Holy angels stood by singing
As they watched the creation.

Being made with the Eternal Word of God
Seeing the everlasting beauty of life.
Since man was made a little less than the angels

Yet, in the image of the Creator
The Holy and forever righteous
Triune God Elohim.
When as we know in this process,
That God took dust from the earth

That God created it all in the first place
And even now this earth
Some even call earth as their mother earth
Without even knowing
About these simple spiritual facts.

Written in the Word of God;
Penned down in the Holy Word
To the last drop,
The everlasting words of truth.

Jesus Christ is a chance of everlasting life
For the fallen mankind.
If only more of us would pay a little more attention
Instead of ignoring
Those obvious facts of eternal life.
Written down for all of mankind to see
In the Word of God.

And as the other fact so far
As we might have learned
Is that the woman Eve,
Is the mother of all mankind.
Except for Adam, who was created by God Himself.

Yes, Adam was not born as a child
But was created as a man
In the form of flesh taken from dust
As a man in the image of God
Created he was.

The first woman Eve in Hebrew Chava
Referring to and meaning
Mother of all life
Except she did not give birth to Adam.

Yet because of Adam's seed
She gave birth to all children
Which most back then
Were destroyed by the flood.

From whom after the flood
Noah and his family were the only ones left
So here you have along with their wives
Shem, Ham, and Japheth
Noah's three sons.

Ham did a wicked thing to Noah
And got cursed
While Shem and Japheth
Were much blessed.
Going back to the creation
From Adam's opened chest
And a broken rib
While he was in a deep sleep.
God took out a rib
And created for him that special someone
A beautiful and lovely Eve.

The helper and an everlasting companion
And almost like an operation style
God closed His chest

Then made Him become awake
Through this process
As we all know until this day.

God created Eve for Adam's life
So, God is totally the Father of all mankind
Since He created Adam and the first woman Eve.
Then before that,

All Creation of existence.
And of course, breath and life.
So once again just partially
Earth because of dust
Had a role in God's creation of mankind.

Because Elohim
Used it as a part of the creating process
It does say in the Word of God
That nature was crying out
And is still waiting for that moment of redemption
By the Lord our God.

Yet, earth doesn't have a soul
But it seems it does have some sensations
It does somewhat feel
Cause there is a unique life in its existence
We see that biblically it was written
About the nature crying and groaning
Waiting for the moment of redemption.
Then as we read that Abel's blood
From the ground had cried out to God

When Abel was murdered by Cain
So once again there is no such thing
As earth being a mother of all mankind.
But only as partial source
That God used in creating mankind.
And even earth itself was created by God.

Eve is not the mother of all Mankind
Because from Adam's rib she was created
As God operated on his chest
When he was in a deep sleep.

Mary is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ.
For the promise of God to Eve
Had to be complete
About the blessing of her seed.

Eve is still the mother of all children
In fact, once again her name
In Hebrew is Chavah
Which refers to and means mother of all life
So, she is definitely
The mother of all children.

Eve is the mother of all children
But she never was a mother of Adam
And that makes the earth
Partially the source
Because first man Adam's body was formed
From the dust of the earth.

Since Adam did come out
From the dust of the ground,
Therefore, his Hebrew name Adamah
Means ground
There is a relation
To that relevance.

Yet as it is written
The words in the Bible
Which is the Word of God

So, after Adam through Eve had his children
Eve became the mother of all children
But earth still remains partially
As the source from where dust came from.
In God's formation of Adam
And God is still the Heavenly Father of all Creation.

Most importantly Elohim created our earth.
Elohim didn't had to use the dust
Since when God speaks He creates
But since God is the Word
And all knowing Wisdom
He knew what He was doing.

When Elohim formed Adam out of dust
He formed Adam's body
And breathed into him His living breath,
Thus, creating life,
The breath that we breathe today.

And everything in this world of the universe
Was created by Elohim in six days His time.
Which is six thousand years our time.
And on the seventh day He rested,
Which is mentioned in the Word of God.

For some reason or the other
Elohim did take the dust
From the earth's ground
When He created Adam.

And those are strong facts
Written in the Word of God,
Right there in black and white.
For a day to God is like a thousand years for us.

For some to realize they need to try
With a better search
Just read God's word
More carefully.

The most commonly used scripture
Or any legitimate version of translation
Once again would confirm
Many facts such as these.
It's just that you have to,

Piece the puzzle of the words together
And that would create a better picture
So, you would clearly see

The way it is
And as is to be.

Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ
To fulfill the promise of God
The promise of God to Eve
About the Seed
Smiting the serpents head

But Mary was not God
For God needed a complete human
To create a miracle in her.
So that she would give birth
To His only Begotten Son
Jesus Christ our Lord,
He is the Eternal Word.

Because in order for God's promise to be fulfilled
Jesus Christ had to have an earthly mother.
Therefore, conceived by the Holy Spirit
Was He in Mary's human womb.

As a baby He was born into this world.
Holy Spirit is a Deity of the Holy Trinity
Call Him wind, or the Spirit of God.

For Jesus Christ Himself said
That when He would go back to the Heavenly Father
Then He would send
The Comforter to guide us and lead us
To be with us forever.

And that Comforter
Is truly the Holy Spirit of God
Who proceeds from the Heavenly Father.
He keeps us protected from satan
And from evil,
Until the end of all time,
When true believers will meet the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes someday
He will take all true believers
Which represent the true church of God.

By transforming them
By giving them the bodies similar to
The new body of Jesus Christ.
This means that
A gathering of all true believers,
Will receive eternal bodies someday.

From all faithful churches,
For only those true believers
Saved by grace,
Who serve the needy and the poor.
They that have sincere love for each other
The ones that have the good fruits of the Spirit.

That spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
To all the nations.
They will be caught up
While the rest on this earth
Will have a chance to prove their love

For Jesus Christ
Our eternal immortal Lord God,
Through the time of the great tribulation.

And love as we know is God
If we have no love for others,
Then we don't have God inside our hearts.

For who are the real body of Jesus Christ
They are the ones
That have sincere love for each other,
And others in need

And of course, the Holy God
Who is in their life
So, with that love
That is living in them
Which is the love of the Heavenly Father
They exist. By doing the will of the Heavenly Father.
The Heavenly Father's will
Is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
And to serve one another.

Just like Jesus Christ came to serve.
As He said the least is greater
Representing true love of Jesus Christ towards a
stranger in need.
Once again symbolically the church
Means a gathering of people that truly believe.
Which are spiritually the living organs,
Being a spiritual body of Jesus Christ.

Can you imagine how many cells?
A human body has

Well that goes on for all true believers
Those that consist of the body of Jesus Christ
Spiritually called the church.
We are the church.

The one and only bride
Of the Son of God.
Who is none other
Then Jesus Christ Himself.

And then when that special time comes
We will be caught up by the Holy Spirit
And be taken up to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Together we will reign forever and ever,
With Him in God's kingdom, Amen.

Yet, those that have no love for each other
They are not and never were
Of the true living Jesus Christ's body.
Because if there is no love in us,
Then there is no God living in us
But only the fallen nature.
Led astray by evil,
That is led by satan and the fallen angels.
Leading its way for destruction
And destined for a great fall.
Taking mankind unto eternal damnation with it all,
The place of the eternal lake of fire.

Prepared for satan and the fallen angels,
The false prophet and the final antichrist.

Some question why hell needs to be eternal
Saying that the nature of God would not allow
This kind of suffering.
Well we have to understand
That the eternal suffering was prepared
For the satan and the eternal fallen angels
That rebelled against God.

Yet, since some have chosen the evil ways
Instead of God's ways,
They became partakers in the fate of satan
And the fallen angels
The fate which is the eternal lake of fire.

And going back to the creation of mankind
All the relevance
About the second Adam which is Jesus Christ.
So yes Jesus Christ
Had to come out of an earthly woman
Fully God and fully human.
He experienced what it was like being human
To relate to our weakness
And now He intercedes for us
Before the Heavenly Father.

In the garden of Gethsemane
He prayed for the cup to pass Him over
Yet He stood and was obedient till the end and prevailed

By saying that not His will
But, the Heavenly Fathers will be done.

Notice also that nature always obeyed His words.
And nature will only obey the One that it recognizes.
The One that had made it before
And placed it into existence
The One that has authority over everything.

Yet, when He was here on earth
He had to use His power in moderation,
To only glorify His Heavenly Father and not Himself
To fulfill His Heavenly Fathers will.

Remember a passage in Gospel of John,
Saying that the Word
Was with God and the Word was God
Meaning the Word was Son
And the Son was with the Father
But He had to come down
Becoming human flesh and blood.

Coming to earth born as a baby
From the earthly woman's womb.
To fulfill His Fathers, promise of deliverance
Through the woman named Mary
Who was chosen only by His grace
So, He would live
And dwell among us.
In the human flesh.

Like the prophesies of Isaiah 7:14 said before our time
That a virgin shall conceive a child
Meaning that God is with us,

So, Jesus Christ is the Word of God
An actual Wisdom that Spoke
And with the Heavenly Father
And the Holy Spirit, created everything.

He spoke, said and it all had happened
He is the Word,
The only begotten Son of God the Father,
Creator of the universe.
By the manifestation of the Holy Spirit,
In the womb of a human woman named Mary,
Who was a virgin.

He was born.
And had come to this earth.
To deliver us,
And the only way to deliver us
Was to be pure and human
Glorifying the Heavenly Father by dying for our sins.

By being the sacrifice before the Heavenly Father
To save us from separation
To save our souls from the eternal hell
The hell of pain, suffering, and eternal damnation.

To give us guidance
To show us an instruction on how to love.
On how to live a better life.
To teach us
So we could live closer to God our Heavenly Father.

And yes, He had to
Not just say

About this poem

They won't give me enough space on the site.Had to break into two parts.

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Submitted by MarkVMarkov on October 04, 2021

Modified by MarkVMarkov on December 31, 2021

20:07 min read

Quick analysis:

Scheme Text too long
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 19,266
Words 3,972
Stanzas 119
Stanza Lengths 2, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 6, 6, 7, 4, 3, 5, 6, 9, 5, 4, 3, 5, 10, 3, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 4, 5, 11, 5, 6, 4, 4, 8, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 9, 6, 3, 5, 5, 4, 7, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 11, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 3, 2, 5, 7, 4, 3, 5, 7, 3, 6, 6, 5, 3, 3, 4, 9, 8, 2, 4, 4, 5, 12, 2, 7, 5, 10, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 8, 4, 4, 7, 6, 4, 5, 2

Mark V. Markov

Mark V. Markov [ˈmɑːrˌkɔːf] A Poet, Teacher, Theologian, Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Photographer. more…

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