Reil's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by Reil  —  There are currently 42 comments total.
I love the way this fool uses his biography page as the media for his fists of poetry to come life!!

9 months ago

Likely my earlier comments are more useful and agreeable, knowing that the main idea of what I am pointing out, is if a poet; who are you and I in this case; are to benefit from the advice to speak our minds-then live it. But look to yourself, inward through contemplation, inward speaking to yourself speaking to Deity, and by Journaling into a place where you better feel protected from anyone else's viewing. Check yourself in a few days, hours, months and years correct it and be perfected in poetic messages of significance, and clarity. You'll sort through your own mental delusions and have a captive audience that at the end of the reading, has no reason to question your desire to connect with them by using things or animals which are both inhuman. Know yourself to know others, not the other way around. Anyone know what their dog is thinking aside from feed me, pet me, play with me, nap time, and I need to potty? 

9 months ago

Its odd to me that this poet is offending not to know where the poet is. Every line he reveals another perspective where he is envisioning himself or another being; simply being in the imagined state, or listening to something specific. I think I disagree that any of these figures of example works on the surface to demonstrate the location of a poet. OK lets consider he is so practiced in his philosophical roll playing and does in fact want this work to serve a purpose of value by inspiring others to ponder there own equivalence to the set stages he windows open in front of himself in front of us. So as to subconsciously place the realization we are found everywhere (said missing poet(s)), in fact here I am. You know it just dawned on me I was already a poet and likely would have done more good explaining the wisdom of one humans considerations to others so they stop getting so hung up on the literal impossibility of existing in any of those places or that if you could that it would be the recipe for ascertainment of the designation; poet. I feel better now. 

10 months ago

Words are the transfer of information, correspondence to the alive,
Use them without fear and define your right speak to arrive,

If angers boiling blood hot head clenched fists gnashing teeth
mad defeated leave a message repeat it written confession speak

hold yourself accountable to say what you feel what you really think,
take the time to listen to every word your given even grief,

Guard yourself from the same mistake you see others do to your take,
Stay the course to get what is given and give your addition the break

harsh words are just the right kind when the person deserves your fine
never pour sugar over tell it like it is , the truth is what it is and Devine.

I expect the same in return so get a name and do the work to earn
the way to frame of mind that keeps the dream alive is try fail learn

But try again and make sure the yearning instead leads you to see believe
if you put truth first and assemble an accurate message on your sleeve

Who gives a phuck what anyone thinks of the language you rightfully speak
Better to hear insults and critics than not have the freedom of speech.

I agree a person should take great care to choose their words of the wise,
I dont think that lies and gossip deceptive enterprise advertisements survive

In other words collective agreement assures detected decievers relieved
removed and rehabilitated, improves the field of our stated beliefs recieved

Its just that I feel as strongly as you do to protect feelings with words,
we just go about it in a different way both have a place we have heard.

Riel Exce Rosanjelix

10 months ago

Your a well trained eye and saw right thru to the core. So many comments but yours rings true. There were questions but no one seemed to know the truth. But you do.

1 year ago

Mr. Karl C. Folkes, I'm curious why you don't enter your work. Although I'd love the opportunity to argue a few of your beliefs into a provable perspective, I will concede your mastery of the science of poetry is undoubtable. Have you tried clever humor? I just really want to vent about this site and the people who run the contest, it's a sham at best and degrades this art we were born with. 

1 year ago

You look so much like a caring empathic. Did you get the picture to save, the one with your poem on the side of the mug?

1 year ago

That's Sew cool; post a pix with the poem showing on the side of the mug. What top runner up were you awarded?

1 year ago

let alone how does anybody know if their choice was better since they didn't take the other road to find out. Sillier to me, is the people who like this idea of other road like it's the one less traveled. For those of us cross country skiers and mountain climbers we know from experience: to hell with making your own tracks! Its f'n hard to go thru powder or up a sand dune...unless there are tracks ahead of you recently packing snow or creating a step in the dune for you to use. Both cases is the difference between moving forward or 2 steps forward 1 step back!! Thanks for your opinion I agree totally,. I've already requested they put lyrics up here instead but none so far. 

1 year ago

Yo brother, I just found the comment that started the whole thing. It was you that said it; noticed the voting thing is rigged. The thing is when your a contestant and only get 1 vote but there will be 3 place winners and 5 runner ups you and I actually got cheated out of 7 other votes. We should be casting a vote per place. The other thing I dont think the rest of them know is this contest really isn't decided by us- the contestants- only. Reread the rules and you'll see the judges get 5 votes to swing it, How many judges? Point is when I brought it to the owners, judges, and techies attention; it was ignored and lied about. One told me we do it this way so the contestants get to choose. But keep in mind we don't, they do. 

1 year ago

I just found your message asking directly about the poem. So it's really just a spontaneous brainstorm, ramble, very diary-esq. Truthful as it was how I was feeling. It's just as it says. It's really just a warm up, a feeler. I have been a lot disturbed from the May contest after comparing and judging and trying to understand how the decisions are made. I study rules for a living so truth logic and being grounded in a sober reality is paramount. I know that's so contrasted to the typical profile of a poet; like rock stars & jazz/blues musicians: A hard past with demonds in our closets issues and drama being delt with by using substances. Haha! Guilty as charged my good man! I've been Journaling, creating lyrics, and poetry since I was 16, I'm 52 in August. Point being is I'm not sure if I trust this site with my finished works. I get the feeling it's not really doing what its saying. I think I will close with this, life has been difficult the last couple years. I'm coasting for a little while longer catching my breath. I do appreciate your inquiry. I wish it was about one of my more publicly presentable ones. With peace in mind. 

1 year ago

I had to think about what you were saying before I drew any conclusions. I think I will take your advice and tread lightly. So what exactly did you mean to say? I'm sorta naive, is it sarcasm or are you really wanting me to explain the work?

Its been a while but I think we met in the open forum a couple of months ago? If I remember correctly, there was a female empath in her title name who was also criticizing people randomly. I thought maybe you knew each other, is she here too? I think to sum myself up I have a genuine desire to want to engage intelligent people who communicate at a high level. I think I need emotional maturity to be prevalent as well. I can take what I dish out nut ultimately tradimg insults and opinionated uncomplements is not at all what I'm here for. Like what the owners confirmed and encouraged me to continue, saying whatever the f I want but just do so professionally and appropriately.

Ok so what brought you to this one really not a poem poem?

Hey a better question is, will you please answer the first question I asked you? What were you trying to say to me with your ego lecture a few months ago?

I hope your enjoying the warm days and lomger hours of light- WJRH

1 year ago

Im a party pooper you'll say but how does this person afford to showcase hundreds of poems? AT KARL: DO YOU OWN STOCK IN THIS SITE?

1 year ago

@acronimousWill you please clarify the nomination thing. It came to me that any body who pays to have their submission entered into that months contest is called a nomination or am I missing the majik here? I still feel it important to get an answer. 

1 year ago

You work for this joint or just guessing a fellow needed directions, encouragement, or one of the many sincere and eloquently spoken compliments you seem to have available for recipients. I have questions lots of them but I can't find the majick word or phrase to get their answers. Self proclaimed owners are kissing babies, shaking diplomtic sparkles on poems of unknown value , answering what seem to be cued questions from the same people, and here I am observing like a Native on horseback overlooking a littered landscape commercial....might be before your time . . . 

1 year ago

I agree not too complicated or imaginative.

1 year ago

With all due respect may I ask for a point of clarification? What exactly was insurmountable in your life situation refereed to in the poem?

1 year ago

Will you please clarify the nomination thing. It came to me that any body who pays to have their submission entered into that months contest is called a nomination or am I missing the majik here?

1 year ago

I didn't say that I'm sorry you took so much time to address the wrong point.

To your 2nd mute point; If your confused about my deliberate creative expression, you missed the opportunity I offered you to have a peaceful discussion and make sence of them. They were gifts to you. My appeals to you have never been addressed by your comments. Instead you argue for the public and the sake of argument.

Key in on that fact and you have my reasons for tapping you on the shoulder originally. Read the ethics, guidelines, and rules posted herein. When you align yourself to those ascertainable visions the things you might say may not be dreadful anymore . Successes all over you! Pp

1 year ago

Thats interesting about getting into character for a poem. I was a character once in a Jr. college play. I auditioned and landed a role in the musical after my choir teacher suggested it when I asked how to get more experience in front of people. I was shy but I had never done it before. I'll cut to the chase. During my audition although I had not assumed any particular actor or characters traits or voice consciously, in my nerves as a virgin to the stage, I reincarnated as William Shatner Captain James T. Kirk. I got teased for a while after that, in a nice way. It's generally a good memory. What you described is really intriguing to me as I gravitate to non-fiction things and what stirs me subconsciously gets on paper. I'm trying to come around to saying I think I may be missing out on something here. Thank you for sharing that, it makes your real age cover up story tightly sealed back up!! Lol! Ok I gotta ask where I'm talking to? I'm in Forest Grove, OR. 

1 year ago

I'm glad you read it and evidently understood. I was hoping you had some criticism and a question or two but I may be setting myself up for some unmet expectations. Haha! I'm curious about the soulmate poem you wrote, did I read the date right, 1999? 

1 year ago

abielias1 hello I'm guessing from the vernacular you might be one of the judges? If so may I ask you a question?

1 year ago

Hey if your one of the judges acronimous, or know any of them, or any one who knows them; or the website poetry contest managers, will you please consider another idea? I propose that since there are 3 winners and a few more runner- ups, that each voter/nominee should get that same number of votes as recognized poems; also its really f'n cool to be able to vote for yourself and it's not a wash and you can only vote once per poem. I'd consider leaving the voting transparent and allow us to say something anything; as poets we value freedom of speech above all right? Our vote is our voice and imagine so far how much more fulfilling each will experience during answer after. It builds trust as well. A lot of us are not feeling the love and have some negativity about it. To perfect the goal of trust and learning, judges should forfeit voting. If your not a contestant and your so not allowing outside voting otherwise, why should you get to sway the vote. Its already diluted having one vote that you cannot use on yourself in the end that is purely wrong since your trusting me with a vote but telling me I'm not capable of evaluating my own amongst the rest, seems contradictive. If there are ties, just pay 2 prizes at that level, it's not like there isn't enough money splitting is not fair since if you have 2 or 3 2nd but 1 1st you reward the lesser place finisher with a higher prize. Runnerups should at least get there entrance fee returned. Ok the other unanimous boo is this so called grading system forget it, too many with backgrounds in this area such as myself in music see these winners are not matching what was laid out which for poetry in general less restrictions typically means a point gets made brilliantly. Tons of arguments against a contest having such a broad then vague plus ambiguous parameter description. Why not narrow this thing down to specific categories so that it's comparing apples to apples oranges to oranges and not cinnamon to calculators. By the way, the poem I wrote was for you the judges it's about this process and getting here with this information. It's a riddle and I hate giving away before the first try but if you find the time enjoy. Also realize I thought long and hard about what others would think if I had announced it prior and I had won. I might be called a cheater. Its my dream to have a better world and better place to share my talents, I have 1000's of poems different studies, different ages different styles different themes. Shoe us your alive, reasonable and doing this with good intent please we beg.... 

1 year ago

Ok it's opinion but empirical and speculative with questioning that invites the reader to contemplate these ideas: some universally common, some you, some unique and both sides of the coin are touched on and your purpose for writing is at least in part a commemorative of the life long path of answering this question which you did when you said not with one question or answer I believe and with experience we might change our minds, yes exactly good but most important in my observation is its value for the author as part of a time line and reference. When you find the very best answer you can find this with its time stamp - im starting to put one at the beginning now but I sign and date it with time of day regardless of time when I feel it's in a finished state, I say that because I come back and edit on occasion sometimes years later, always wanting to perfect it like I try to do with myself and it's eerie sometimes to remember what you were going thru and the Era and see how far along you are in maturation. I meant a good Erie. The best Erie. I am my best soul mate and you are a rare person to even have mentioned the idea. I personally think that's where you will find the very best manifestation of spirituality in real time. All I got. 

1 year ago

Yes thank you, I should certainly remove the unnecessary the. The about the poem part unfortunately is unfinished. I toggle between leaving the riddle ambiguous and giving just enough away.
It's impossible to know from my perspective the abolity of any other readimg this for the first time but the effect is diluted if you explain it first To have a judge who didmt investigate the poem makes me realize i womt be in the conversation anyways. But if they understand its about them and me amd anyome who would be standimg in a open forum discussimg this very contest. Now it's about the suggestions for perfectimg the ideal poetry showcase forum, and make the correct objections to what has happened so far and could make something go Wow! .Dreamer certainly but help me and lets all Enjoy! 

1 year ago


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